1. AC was not a problem. I like workouts with strength and cardio. I usually have to workout after work so I don’t feel like it sometimes but you are right I usually feel better after working out. Thank you for letting us work out with you.

  2. A/C not an issue at all. Maybe it was louder on your end than ours 👍🏼
    What a great workout PJ! I love these kind of combo exercises 😅 I will admit that I didn’t feel like working out today, I didn’t sleep well and didn’t feel like I had enough energy. But I know how much I love your videos so I said suck it up! Lol that being said I kinda had second thoughts after that first round of 🤬 mountain climbers! I’m glad I pushed on bc at the end I was very proud of myself 😊 thank you PJ have a great time on your trip!

  3. Congratulation on your wedding 25th anniversary! My husband and I have been together for 15 years. ^^ I watched your video which your husband and you were exercising together and I could know both of you were very lovely to each other. Thanks a lot for this workout. Of course I like it. Have a nice trip~

  4. Stellar workout🌟 It was the right amount of work for me😆 I had to dig deep on those mountain climbers but I did it! Ac didn’t bother me a bit. You do what you gotta do darling. Thank you for the strong sweaty and mind pushing challenge today!

    Oh. On the patreon front. I’m undergoing a lot of medical issues at the moment so all my extra funds are going there. When we finally get whatever is going on with me figured out and I’m thank the gods pain free I’ll be able to be more giving. Please know it’s not you, it’s me💁🏻‍♀️ I’m so grateful to you for getting my mind to focus outside my pain for at least a wee bit on days I’m able to workout💜

  5. No the A/C did not bother me. If you had not said anything about it I never would have known.
    Love these types of workouts strength and cardio together!
    Thank you for your modifications they are very helpful when I am feeling ready to stop.❤️

  6. The A/C noise was fine; it didn’t negatively impact hearing you at all. So take care of yourself, Woman! That was an awesome workout. I think it’s one of my favorites of your workouts. I didn’t feel like doing it, but when I feel that way I just make myself. I say the same thing – I can stop if I want. But I almost never do.

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