1. This was the first time that I've done this class and it was a lot of fun! Besides shoulderstand and dancer's pose, though, I'm not able to come in any of the peak poses. But I really liked the pace of this class. It would be fun to have another class with the same pace and diversity of poses!

  2. It is a fun class. I can’t do the stands yet, but I will keep following your classes, believing one day I will be able to do them. Thank you so much for the wonderful classes!

  3. I love this class! I'm an intermediate yogi and I love to try new harder things to see where in my average practice I need to strengthen up to do these awesome poses. This is perfect for that and fun. Definitely worked up a sweat and it wad there perfect length

  4. I liked it! I couldn't do all the advanced moves but i modified and it worked for me. I actually have been avoiding doing it thinking i couldn't and it would be too difficult. But, i did it this morning and i am so glad i did. I was able to do most of it and even did moves i haven't tried or did in a while and was pleasantly surprised that i could do them! I also liked that you did moves i haven't done in a while which felt good for my body as well as my mind and spirit.I feel wonderful after it and it was the perfect amount of time 20 minutes! Thank you Kassandra for this! Namaste.

  5. I love the spontaneity and unknown of this flow! Challenging mentally and physically and great for some one who needs this creative inspiration. Would love to see more of these! Thank you!

  6. Boy, you weren’t kidding when you said this was advanced! I guess I fit solidly in your intermediate category. I still had fun minus the headstands and the grasshopper thing! Still felt good for my body and also nice to realize how much more there is for me to learn, a sneak peak of things to come!

  7. Definitely one of my favorite classes! I did a quick 'sweaty warm up' from Brett Larkin and headed straight into this wonderful, flowy class. Perfect way to start my day! Please do more!

  8. This is a powerful and intense practice. I stumbled a little but kept pace, which gave me a sense of accomplishment. A few more times and I will be able to stay with you.

  9. This is a great flow with fun sequences, however it went a little too fast for me so I ended up rushing and not feeling the benefits of the poses. This sequence over a 30-40 minute class would be bliss xx

  10. This is a great video, a like the fast pace of this one. Thank you Kassandra. There were a few moves I'd never come across. Would be up for doing a video on how to perform Grasshopper and EcoBaduKanasina (I have no idea how to spell it!) ?

  11. I loved this flow, certainly very different with some interesting transitions. This is one I will definitely come back to several times to work on perfecting those transitions as they are poses I can do but can't quite go from one to the next fluidly yet.(i.e. eka pada k. 2 into chin stand)

  12. Awesome creative flow! Just what I needed to challenge my practice. I wasn't able to conquer some of the difficult poses but I tried and laughed at my comical attempts. Thanks for sharing! You're the best 💙

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