1. I’ve been dropping weight like never before, applying the weight loss plan “sowo hope site” (Google it). It’s been the most powerful program I’ve ever applied. Do a Google search and read up on that.

  2. Hi Danny. Love your dance workouts. I taught step aerobics at our local YMCA, but not many students attended. I'm hoping to incorporate some of your fabulous moves into my future classes. Thanks for all your hard work, and your great videos! – Mikey

  3. Hellooo.. Thank you for the videos…. I worked out to your latin dance aerobic workout, it really helped 🙂 to this day, it is my zumba dance routine… now tht i have found your channel, im going through your videos and hopefully try out new routines… thank youuu 🙂

  4. hi, I loved your workout videos they are simply awesome, you are flawless. why you are not uploading new workout videos from last year. please upload on YouTube or active on instagram. 🙂

  5. Hey, The most safe and fastest weight drop that I have ever had was with Jans super plan (you can google it) Without a doubt the most helpful weight loss plan that I have ever tried.

  6. I recently had my baby and gained over 20 kgs and im trying really hard loosing that extra weight and your workouts have helped so much.I've only lost 5 kgs but im just starting:))

  7. Hey Danny! Your videos are great, thank you for posting more and more!!!
    If I do this exercise of yours, every day what kind of difference can I expect??? Weight loss, abs, anything?

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