1. Today, October 26th, 2019. The day I’m committing to getting back into the practice. I started doing yoga a few years ago, actually by starting this same challenge. And I fell in love with it! But I don’t know what happened, I just got way out of practice. I haven’t done this in months, possibly even a year. I was walking around this morning, feeling sore and stiff all over, and I thought to myself, “You know what I haven’t done in a long time? Yoga.” And here I am, committing to take time out of my days again to take care of my mind and body. Thank you Adriene. 💛

  2. Thank you Adriene! Just what I needed so I can keep it going through the weekend This is day one for me outside of 2 weekly yoga classes at work. Best thing I'm doing for this tightness in my hips.

  3. I found this quite difficult to follow as she did not verbalize what the next position or direction was going to be so i had to keep my head up awkwardly in all positions go watch where she was going

  4. Day one done! I've been doing yoga/pilates on and off for many years, but only in those large exercise group style classes. I've never had someone really explain what I should be doing, like ensuring my elbows and palms are always parallel with my shoulders. Also doing that heart to ground pose really highlighted how tight my right shoulder is yikes, can't wait to work on that.

  5. I encourage doing your physical rehab exercises before working on these routines?? I have two meniscus repair both knee ,one was trimmed and other repaired. Repaired one is most recent and still bothers me, feel free to release from a pose and relax if knee bothering, especially if u didn’t do your physical rehab before? Yoga recommended for cool down and for warming up. Wow thanks a lot for your time and energy and practice.

  6. I'm about to start this, know i can't focus on amything for very long, I am sincerely hoping I can make it through this video with no issues. I want to do this! Wish me luck…

  7. Today, I started doing this 30 day challenge. I used to do yoga in school but that was a long time ago. So I am kind of like a beginner with no experience. Even the ease into yoga is difficult for me to do as I am less flexible. But I finished the video and look forward to finish the challenge. I want to say I am doing this for weightloss but really I want to get a grip on mental health.
    Let's see how I will feel at the end of the challenge.

  8. Just finished day one not gonna lie it wasn’t easy. iam very inflexible and not strong at all. Also i have Hyperparathyroidism with high blood pressure so all the posses where i had my head down made me have a ring in my ear 😅 and my cat really wanted attention so she kept interrupting me. I will stick with this challenge tho i am curious to see what the results will be. I love this yoga instructor very sweet and relaxing 💗 thank you so much for uploading these!

  9. I've been studying abroad for the past 6 weeks, and just hit a low point where I feel lonely and homesick. This is the first yoga practice I ever completed, nearly 2 years ago, and I remember how much it helped me then. I've been on and off with yoga and lately have done barely any practice. Doing these 30 days again so I can find some comfort and reset back into regular practice. Thank you Adriene, for all your love and support and for giving me something I can come back to when I need it!

  10. I did this challenge a few years ago and I remember this first vid being super easy, I didn't feel much but it was nice. This past year I have worked a lot (computer) and really not moved around a lot. So today I decided to start exercising again and I just did this video and wow – I felt it in my knees and shoulders and neck, my limbs are still tingling and I can legit feel the blood flowing through my limbs, I even got out of breath. I feel so refreshed and full of energy now. Just wow. It's only once you're super out of shape that you notice how great this exercise really is. Thanks for uploading it, I'm excited to do more! You're awesome

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