1. I was out the entire of yesterday so am a day behind. But my abs are still feeling day 6 😀
    I like how even after I fall three times trying the side arm balance Adrienne still says "nice work" and I feel good for trying my best.

  2. attempting to do this… but my feet cant flatten in downward facing dog… so trying to do three legged dog when my foot wont touch the floor and my knees wont straighten is near impossible….. is there a course for the unflexable?

  3. I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and the poses where the wrists are stressed such as Downward Dog or Plank really start to make my wrists hurt more. Is this something that will go away? Or a sign I should stop? I'd heard yoga is good for any pre-existing injuries.

  4. Guys from jan 2020, are you still here? Totally love this practice! I was afraid that I couldn't complete it after abs day, but I managed everything except for side planks. I feel that I'm getting stronger and more flexible

  5. A bit jump of the level on day 7, but a very nice flow. Needed to stop a few seconds to relax my wrists after the side planks. This session seems good for a daily routine.

  6. I just paused the video halfway through and I'm so annoyed about the poses, I started really peacefully and now I'm sitting here reading the comments to motivate me to continue the video, I want to cry. 🙁 But I'm going to continue now, as I see I'm not the only one struggling with this one.

  7. second try, let's hope I can do it this time. last time I cramped up to badly after 10 min and had to switch to different videos.
    Edit: I did it!!!!! Barely did a few seconds of side plank at the end, BUT I DID IT!!!!!

  8. My left arm needed a lot of help with that side plank! Wow! Does anyone else find that their legs are freakishly long in lunges? My knee is literally touching my chest while my hands reach for the ground!

  9. I was following along with this and hurt my back bad on day 7 (warrior 2) ….I was planning on quitting lol but now that my back is feeling better what are some videos I can watch to ease back into it ? I am a beginner and clearly not very flexible yet lol tia

  10. My wrists are starting to cause some serious pain (and swelling) right now, is there something I can do to work up the strength in them? I have looked around for ways to do that but can't seem to find anything that actually work. I really enjoy doing this and love the feeling I get i my body and do not want to quit, but the pain is really intense. Does anyone have tips?

  11. Adriene, thank you. You share your wisdom freely and with such joy. You are a blessing. Thank you for helping me grow and change while taking care of my physical, energetic and spiritual bodies.

  12. Hi Adriene! The 30 day yoga challenge is just what I needed before the holidazzz start! Also, this is a great way to challenge my balance issues…. I was recently diagnosed with MdDS. Basically I feel like on a rocking boat/dock when not moving and feel like I'm in a bouncy house when I walk. So yeah, balance has been a challenge of late. I'm happy to report that so far I've been able to keep up with each session! I wasn't sure how it would go for me but so far so good! I do have a question though, ever since high school I've had issues with my wrists. I'm finally able to do plank without pain but the side triangle pose kills my wrists. There are some other poses that twinge them too but that side triangle was intense. Any recommendations for an alternate pose or how to get my wrists a bit stronger? Thank you for all you do! O and the homemade Chai tea is now a staple in our home! My husband took it to next level by using the ingredients to make a chai creme brulee! Nom nom nom!

  13. although sometimes i can't do the exercises with my legs totally straight because i lack flexibility and the plank is hard i enjoyed this practice a lot and it didn't even seem like 30 minutes long xd

  14. Day 7 ✔️ I definitely agree with many of you that Downward Dog has become more peaceful for me lately! Haha, now Upward Dog from Vinyasa is the new beast to conquer! I appreciated the intensity of this workout because I had a lot of junk in my mind today that I really couldn't get out. But once the intensity increased with the knees to elbows, I momentarily forgot about it all. One powerful thought that I was reminded of today was from the Tao Te Ching, where it talked about how great things like grass growing and stars moving all happen gradually and in silence. With these practices, the fact that so many of us are suddenly enjoying downward dog from gradual practice, and how I feel a difference already really made me understand that message deeper. Great things happen with small changes. Much love to everyone!

  15. After today I’ll move on. I’m surprised at how, during the stretches near the end of the practice, that my upper arm muscles were so tight. The things you find out about yourself. 👍

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