1. Happy Day Four, everyone! This time is valuable, you are practicing with people all over the world right now and this is potentially something that could lift you, support you, energize you, and assist you to meeting your full potential. What if it were true?

  2. I have never commented on youtube videos before, but seeing as you spend the time to like each and every one I just wanted to say I never realized I didn't dedicate any time in a day for myself until I started doing these about a month ago. Thankyou for making this accessible. Healer Alert!

  3. There's multiple reasons why I keep coming back to Dedicate. I really enjoy the background, and I enjoy that Benji loves it too! It was the first 30 days of Yoga that I got farthest on, even though I didn't complete it, I remember being so proud of myself and how amazing I felt just after 2 weeks. I think I made it around 3 weeks. I have never felt so grounded, strong at my core, connected and DEDICATED to my self worth with this series. Doing this with everyone around the world last year was exhilarating and I am soo looking forward to January. Can't believe it's already almost been a year Adriene. I did more Yoga with you last year than I have in my life and it wasn't enough. I hope 2020, I can dedicate more time for yoga, more time for showing myself that self love is important for health and happiness. I can't thank you enough for being you and allowing so many people to practice with you in the comfort of anywhere and for no out of pocket cost. Thank You A MILLION TIMES! You are truly an amazing human being!

  4. I am challenged by that lunge, especially with the beach ball! My downward dog is getting easier! You, Adrienne, are a Life Saver! I am on Day 4 of your 30 Day challenge. I see and feel a difference!

  5. Please do more programs like Dedicate. I start yoga with it one year ago and i came back for fun. It realy is very good and i like it so much because it's a series, it continues. Thank you:*

  6. After finishing the day 4, all I felt was hurt physically and mentally. But it's ok to feel hurt sometimes. Then I will be grateful and appreciate when I can feel my inner peace. Thank you, Adriene 🙂

  7. I’ve been doing this series at my own pace and not necessarily doing it every day but doing it as often as I can. For some reason, the hardest video for me so far has been this one. I’ve been having some problems with one of my knees and while trying to do crescent pose, I found myself getting upset when it became hard to do this pose on either side. Even though this was frustrating, I know I’m going to continue doing this series because it’s been a wonderful way to refocus my day and I hope I may some day return to this series (with a healed knee) and see how much I’ve improved or check in on how far I still have to go <3

  8. This is only day 4 for me, but I am finding that I am really looking forward to this practice. I've been dealing with a lot of stress and big decisions. While doing this, I felt reassured that I can trust myself to make these decisions and everything will be ok. Thanks for sharing this video and series!

  9. I just found your page a few weeks ago and decided to started Dedicate! Tonight is day 5! I’ll be sure to stick around so maybe when you have your next program, I can hit the mat at the same time as all of these beautiful people! Thank you 🙏🏻

  10. I completed Dedicate 30 Days, and now I am repeating the series and on day four. I wanted to see my progress and I definitely see a huge difference in my strength and flexibility this time around. I am hooked, and my plan is to continue until I can complete day 30. Love this yoga!

  11. AH! so nice to give my arms a break. My legs will probably be feeling this tomorrow, though 😂😁. Dedicate is so much fun, and it's so relaxing to me! Day 4 is in the books. Namaste, Adriene.
    Love from a teen in MN <3

  12. So I started with this 30-day challenge about a month ago (probably longer) and I was really committed to doing it. But then I got lazy and distracted and each day that I didn't come back to my mat felt worse and like I could never come back to this challenge after such a long time. But then I realized that I still have my goal of being healthy and that I wanted to make a true change to my lifestyle. Not just saying that I wanted to change without putting in the work that is necessary. So here I am again. Ready to recommit to my health journey and to be kind to myself. Some days it is harder to come to the mat, but every day that I do is a step in the right direction.

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