1. Yo Jax I didn't have a question until now,
    Were you aware that Inuyasha came back a few years ago and concluded? If so what was that nostalgic feeling like? 😎🤙🏾

  2. Hey Jax I like your kenichi tough like the toons but I don't have the best knees and the last time I did the circuit, my knees really hurt after the jumping crosses. What should I substitute them with to avoid damaging my knees?

  3. Can you make a video of how to become a warrior like such as LuBu….. one man army(s). There is a lot of very cable warriors and fighter back in history. How to become like them? I am focusing on here on becomeing rarely good….. Like LuBu or Qaqae/Qaqaa , best of the best. They should do something different from us to better than hundreds of full cabal Knights…. I would like to focuse on LuBu.

  4. Hey I know this question is a little late but I have two of them for you. Number one have you ever seen an anime scared of the abandoned Beasts? And question number two have you been watching the CW crossover event crisis on infinite earths?

  5. In kengan they explained how this one fighter had over developed lower back muscles where he could lift his body off the ground with his feet. The hockey player that could knock people out on ice

  6. Love these Q&As glad H3ntai is being brought up more!
    You should make a video of your top favorite anime/game physiques! My favorites that provide me motivation are base Broly n big boi Broly, Tank top Trunks, Goku, Garou (no homo but was hella mirin in season 2) and some Baki and Tekken characters

  7. Is there a fictional character who doesn't have a cartoon/anime, video game, comic, etc. that you would like to do a TLTT style episode on? A fit like fictional (I guess) for John McClane (Die hard) or Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride) for example?

  8. Anyone know how to pull off a one armed push up??? Been trying it for awhile but have had no luck whatsoever, had the legs apart, arm I'm doing the push up slightly towards the center, pacing myself but none of it works.

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