1. I hurt my shoulder because I didn't do warm up. From doing 20+ pull ups now I can't even hang on the bar. Worst experience ever.
    Any advice on getting my strength back?

  2. Those band warm ups actually look perfect for what i need to strengthen my torn shoulder. I definitely need to stabilize my left shoulder BAD. I wish my physical therapy would've consisted of these as well…

  3. What is recommended for someone who had a shoulder separation? My clavicle still pops up and i want to get my shoulder as close to normal as possible. Any help is greatly appreciated. Subscribed after watching one of your videos about a month ago. Wish i would've found it a lot sooner

  4. Hi Gabo, thank you for the work and dedication that you put in your channel, it's very inspiring!

    Regarding the topic of the video I want to share some of my personal thoughts and I would like to know your opinion about that 🙂

    I found that for the stability/mobility of the shoulder it is advisable to proceed from the body toward the extremeties, meaning that it's important to develop a strong/stable scapular movement (i.e. strengthening of the serratus anterior, middle and lower trapezius and rhomboids) before moving to train specific movements for the gleno-humeral joint such as the external rotations of the arms (to avoid compensation like scapula tilting).

    I speak from my personal experience, having had a biceps tendonitis problem most likely due to poor scapula movement during overhead activities.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post and keep it up with the good work!

  5. I only wonder about the dangers of internal rotation during exercise:
    recovering from open heart surgery, I did some injury to shoulder that I never experienced before, and the sensitivity lasted for about 2 to 3 months. any touching of the arm sent intense severe pain that would last for about 20 seconds.
    it has since passed, and I learned the severity of injury that a poor choice of exercise can do

  6. I love unscripted, not every fitness video has to be one strict workout with sets and reps! 👌
    Tried it out right away and added some dumbell hanging shoulder circles

  7. To all who read this comment. DO THIS WARM UP ROUTINE! I had scapula damage and spine problems because I nearly broke my neck doing backflips. This routine helped open up my scapula and relieve A LOT of tension. If done properly, this routine can be considered therapeutic.

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