1. I’ve been type 1 since 1970. When I tell anyone I’m diabetic, there is an excellent chance that I will be told with self-righteous, smug, unshakable confidence that I need to eat SIX SMALL MEALS A DAY. I respond that I would need a shot of insulin before each meal. Doesn’t shake anyone’s confidence in the 6-meal dogma. Then I say I normally eat one meal a day. I’m considered a suicidal madman…

  2. 6 years on a Plant Based Diet results, lost 28 lbs, substantial drop in A1C, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure. Not a low fat Plant Based Diet, plenty of nuts and seeds, organic extra virgin olive oil, shredded coconut, avocados, nut butters included..About 60% Carbs from whole foods. Fast 13-14 hours every day.

  3. I am agree with Dr Fung, calories is not the most important for weight lost …
    I do keto / carnivore diet , I eat around 2500 to 2700 calories and I still losing weight … before I was on low fat diet / counting calories eat around 1500 to 2000 calories I had weight loss plateau .

  4. I had an A1C of 11.7 and was on Metformin and Lantus(insulin). After cutting calories and losing my extra 40 pounds I am now med free and can eat up to 40 grams carbs per meal while eating a healthy diet which includes fruits and veggies. It appears eating a balanced diet and walking two miles a day works wonders.
    Being diabetic doesn't mean you need to go to extremes, just use common sense.

  5. There is so much bad information out there about what a healthy diet is. I was knocking at the door of being diabetic at my last physical. I did a lot of research on how reverse it and came across Dr. Fung. Using intermittent fasting and a LCHF diet,  I lost 10 pounds in one month. In another month, I went back to my doctor and my A1C was normal again. I am now at my college weight.  If I were to follow the advice from the American Diabetes Association or most Registered Dieticians, I would probably be a full blown diabetic and a slave to big pharma. Kudos to Dr. Fung!

  6. A lot of people have been asking to me if fasting can help with kidney disease. It's not an easy question to answer since kidney disease is a complicated illness ☹️. The best thing to treat Kidney disease is to fight diabetes, high blood pressure and avoid junk foods and make good habits for the body…

  7. I am type 2 and dont take any meds i do what Dr Fung says and have dropped 34 lbs in 2 months! A1C is also dropping feeling amazing i just did a 48 hour fast. I am doing 24 hour OMAD Keto type diet.

  8. Thank you Dr. Fung. Your common sense is just so refreshing. As a very oldie, I read Irwin Stone's "Pure, White and Deadly when it first came out, and have always believed the establishment got it all wrong in recommending more carbs and very little fat. Last year I bought and read your book on insulin being the determinant of weight gain and at the cost of being a little repetitive, it was very convincing with very clear and logical thinking from beginning to end. I also listen to your videos but much prefer to see your talking rather than just looking at a static picture, nice though it is! The fact is that in person, you come across as being intelligent, logical, non-judgemental , friendly and totally unpompous. A mere picture can't quite do all that!

  9. Thank you, questions : can we get fat eating too much fat ? (how eating fat produces adipocytes? if not where the excess fat goes if not used? Second Q ? What to do to reduce diarrhea on LCHF ? Thank you

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