1. Thanks for being my personal trainer Heather.💓 I’m far from lovin you through these workouts🏋🏽‍♀️but feel so much better afterwards. You do an AMAZING job and I really appreciate your time & effort.

  2. =( omg so so difficult. when does it get easier? how do you keep such good form? I wanted to do the finisher after. I completed the 1st 2 exercises (after the weights in this one, they seemed easy) and then came the jump squats. I jumped to the floor… and rolled over after the video was over. How Heather is my new nickname for you. How do you have the energy? How!!!

  3. Omg.. I did your this workout today.. I did first 6 sets and couldn’t finish it. My thighs are soft like jelly.. love it..will try again tomorrow and train till I can finish through your whole video. Thank you.

  4. I am one of those girls who prefers to not repeat but I enjoyed this workout. It kept moving and we only needed to repeat 2 moves so thanks again for another great workout!

  5. this workout was killer but i loved (followed along to an arm then back workout by you before this one) when i saw the start of the final circuit i was like “is that a weight?! 😯 she hardcore” cause i’d never seen that move with a dumbbell lol

  6. I am a new subscriber I love this channel so much! I’ve been working out to your videos for the last week and I must say I am happy to come across this!!! You remind me of Kelly from fitness blender! Awesome workouts! Will do these tomorrow for leg day ♥️♥️

  7. I am on my 2nd day of your workouts. I did 3 of your other workouts. Yesterday I skipped coz I had body aches. Those workouts really woken up my muscles. Did my 2nd day today. Hope no body pains for me tomorrow

  8. Good burn, thank you. I love working out with you! I want to do it again, now that I know the routine…it would be helpful if you had the "up next section" during the rests. Sometimes I had to pause to get situated

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