1. No matter what YouTube video I watch I always see this 666 hand sign being thrown up. It doesn’t matter if I’m looking at videos about fixing cars or working out or shoes etc. That shit is corny

  2. Meaniwhile I'm just sitting here laughing at all these stupid comments about personal drama/douchbaggery. Honestly, who the fuck is pathetic enough to get involved with a YouTubers personal life? Who gives a flying fuck? Dude is jacked and seems to be pretty competent with fitness, so use the video and STFU about personal life garbage. He's never going to know/meet/care about any of you, so stop wasting your lives online and instead use the internet for it's intended purpose (i.e. a problem solving/educational/self-improvement tool)

  3. WTF is with this people, why try to make Brad sad while his trying to make vids for you? If you dont like dont even click on his videos, thats it, stop being stupid and mothafuckers just because you dont like your own life..

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