1. You know, when I saw this new episode of Adventures in Horrorland pop up and then I saw that Fanatic was FREE on Amazon Prime at the same time, I figured I should watch Fanatic before watching this video. I was over at my parents house over this weekend so I saw Fanatic with my parents and half way through my mom got up and went to her room while laughing hysterically saying "This is the stupidest movie I've ever seen!!". After the movie ended my father said that this is the WORST John Travolta movie he has ever seen and he visually put both his thumbs down while sticking his tongue out at the TV. I sat there staring at the ending credits asking "What the flying hell did I watch?!?". LOL. This Adventures in Horrorland video has served as a very important THERAPY session for me as I am still processing this entire damned movie. LMAO. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to make cardboard puppets and argue with them over this movie for the next 30 minutes (one of my puppets hates this movie while the other one thinks this movie is an Oscar worthy contender for best picture) while my plush Penguin sits in the corner wearing purple lipstick getting ready to stab one of my cardboard puppets or something. LOL.

  2. My Valentine's Day was great thanks. John Travolta having an autistic son I expected better of him potrying an autistic man and yet he does have some treats that I have such as repetitiveness I also do a thing called masking a lot you'll probably see a lot of that in my videos that I make always playing different personas and stuff I do have social skill problems but they're not as bad as they used to be I was diagnosed with autism when I was 7 I didn't think this was a brilliant film but I thought it was ok little unsettling but when I saw this film I immediately for offs talked about and what do you know you reviewed it great stuff and Braget you might need to go and see Dr. Freako about that condition of yours Possession.

  3. Cody Leach's reaction to the stupidity of the ending in his review was great. Realistically Hunter would have killed Moose for stalking, kidnapping and tormenting him. Instead after headbutting him, knocking him down the stairs and stabbing his eye out he just calmly opens the door and lets Moose out as if he was just a regular visitor instead of an obsessed fanboy.

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