1. Welcome to the channel. This is a channel that you need to watch regularly to learn how the programme works. You need to be doing a full face routine. Here is the link to how the programme works and how to find the information to the programme on my YouTube page – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xq3N1nSFVI. Also, if you havent already I would suggest that you subscribe to the channel to get important updates to how the programme works and how to practice it successfully and safely. 🙂

  2. Hi, I have been doing another very well known routine for a few years. It's been great but have found the neck is neglected. Just tried your level 1 and I can really feel everything aching. I'm gonna so stick with this as it's so motivating to actually watch and exercise at same time. I used to find motivation a real issue but it's fun to sit and watch!

  3. Hi Pita, is there any chance for a new Exercise Along With Me Series 1 updated video? it is slightly confusing when it's not updated. I tried learning new updated exercises and it would really help having new video. Thanks!

  4. Hello Peta, I really like your face exercices. I’m 45 and I started to do them 2 -3 months ago. Unfortunately I think that did them incorrectly ( especially after doing exercices called cheek lifter)
    because I realised that I have a new big wrinkle juste under the nose! Please help me and tell me how to get rid of it. I’ m really unhappy to have a new beg wrinkle! It’ s not your fault. I think I didn’t well the exercice! I had used the wrong muscles…
    I really want to do your exercices correctly because I think they really work! When I see you I’m amazed of beautiful and young face you have!
    Another question I would like to ask you is: could I do your exercices if I already started to use the hialuronic acid ( only twice and it was my big mistake!)
    I will be really grateful if you answer me!
    Thank you very much!

  5. Hi Pita it’s been a month I am doing your level 1 exercises but recently I discover a new wrinkle around my upper lips I haven’t before
    Which exercise do you think I do wrong can you please help me ?

  6. Hello I'm new to your page I'm looking to know if you have an exercise for bunny lines across the nose and 29 and I had bunny lines across my nose that really annoys me I would like to find a solution and maybe an exercise that I can do for them and can I exercise that area on its own as I don't really have any other problems with my skin as yet x

  7. Hi Peta i just about to start on series 1 level 1 easy but i have just watched a updates that you have done this year on series 1 Do i do the updated in my exercises or do series 1 exercises in the playlist from 4 years ago

  8. Hi Peta, thank you so much for your contribution. I've been doing the exercises and have them taking it lighter on the masseter exercise as I used to have a round face when I was younger and it didn't suit me and I've noticed even though I'm going light with that exercise it's causing my face to look more round in a way that is unattractive. I know you mentioned in the past not to skip any exercises but can I do everything else and skip the masseter exercise as I really don't want to go back to a round face?

  9. Why can’t I figure out where to get directions to learn these exercises?😭I watched the instructional video and now I can’t find the YouTube in the drop down on this video??😭😭😭

  10. I luv all ur videos and practising them for months,frst tq for changing my thoughts abt how i look & boosting confidence ✌my left side of jaw to specify its mandible region is midly bulged,shld i concentrate more on the side which is bulged or other?will doing these excercise increase its size further?anyways i luv the burn🤩

  11. Hi Peta. Thank you so much for everything that you do with your chanel. You are exceptional! I really appreciate what you do ! I would like to ask you to share a links to videos, which shows how to do exercise properly, couse I am not shure that I do them right.Thank you so much !

  12. Dear can these only exercise (serie 1 level 1)help with under eyes hollowness and plump cheeks as i only have these problems in the time being, im new to facial excercises…how many time shall do it and for how long to see results?

  13. Hi! Thanks for posting these videos <3. Is there a video where you explain how to properly do each one of these exercises? I can't understand how to work on the cheek one… thanks 🙂

  14. Thanks for these videos ❤️ Can anyone tell me in the forehead one whether I am supposed to be actively stretching out my existing forehead lines with my hands. I am worried I am just reinforcing the lines as they crease everything I work the muscle… with the nose one am I just physically lifting up the nose…? And the neck one am I supposed to be stretching the skin taught with my hands?! Some voice over instructions would be super helpful so we know we are on the right track as don’t want to be the wrong exercise! Thank you again! 🙏❤️

  15. Peta thankyou so much from the bottom of my heart ❤ I've been following your exercises for a couple of weeks and I've already had two lovely compliments. I'm 51and it has boosted my confidence !! X

  16. Hi Peta, really want to join your face aerobics gym, but every time I try to join the site just times out and I never get to a payment screen. I am in the US, but I cannot seem to sign up! Really want to join your program- not sure how to do it! Please help! Thanks, Cheryl

  17. The instruction for nose exercising in this video is entirely different from the instruction of the nose exercise of a post made in the past. The earlier one instructed to push the nose up and flair the nostrils (widen the nostrils). This one instructs not to push the nose up and makes no mention of flairing the nostrils just to do a upwards/downwards pulling. Has anyone tried both versions? Does one work better than the other? I'm a little confused why the two exercises differ in instruction so much. Was the one from a few years ago incorrect? Thank you

  18. I've been reading and watching your videos and tutorials for three solid days, and I believe I have a handle on it. My question, however, is this; Will I see significant results to warrant the total commitment required? I am certainly willing to commit to the program, but I will be 80 on my next birthday. Yes, I know I will be 80 on my next birthday whether I commit or not, and I realize that it can't possibly hurt, but at this point would surgical intervention be a better option for me? I don't have unrealistic expectations. Previous cosmetic surgery has left my face uneven as I age. Is there a way to address that problem with your routines? Thanks so much.

  19. Hi Peta, do you have a section where you explain how to do each and every exercise? Some are confusing in this video with no instruction. Thank you~! Can't wait to start. Just subscribed~!

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