1. A lot has been going on these past couple months on a personal level for me – Marriage, kid on the way, a big move…and in the process is was REALLY hard to keep a consistent schedule. I used our upcoming Cutting Plan which we'll be releasing in NOVEMBER to kick my own ass and get into shape. Hope these tips work for you as well! -Hudson

  2. Holy shit… you´ve been such a ugly fat pig before… what was it? 20000lbs? But perhaps you should just google the definition of the word "fat". Because actually the only thing what is wrong here is your video title. And a real shame.

  3. Oi this is me. I've gained 27kg (60lbs) after being the fittest I've ever been in my life. It's totally heart breaking. It was hard just getting shredded losing half the weight I gained when I got fit before.

  4. at last one person on the internet who knows how not to overwhelm and get someone to start (read: get someone to plan to start). nutrition and 5×5. let 02022020 be the change.

  5. Find a workout you think you'll enjoy? I freakin HATE HATE HATE working out. I NEVER get that high from working out that people talk about. For me it's always been pain from start to finish. I do it, but I freakin hate it, mostly because I seem to get nothing out of it. What happens is I go to the gym and work out three days a week, about an hour and a half each day, and after about three months of seeing little to no results from it, all while being pretty strict about what I'm eating, staying far away from the carbs and sugars, and feeling like I'm missing out on most of the foods I love, I eventually get in the mindset that it's not worth it, and I stop going. Then about a year or so later, I do it all over again, see no real results after a few months, and quit again. That's been my routine for about the past five years, and I'm no better off now than I was before. I've been thinking that maybe I just don't have the genetics for it or something. Yes, I realize my line of thinking is mostly what's causing me to fail, but how long can I go before I start seeing at least SOME results without eventually feeling like I'm just banging my head against a brick wall.

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