1. Well, this brings, to my mind anyway, which is correct, the hips drive the shoulder rotation, or the shoulders drive the hip rotation? It seems the majority favor the hips driving the shoulders. In every single slow motion freestyle clip, no doubt that the pull arm engages first, then the hips rotate, then the recover arm follows through, which to me, implies that the shoulders drive the hips. For sure, there is 'spiral' energy as my martial arts instructors have called it where energy is transferred from one end of the body to the other. To generate greater rotational energy, you need an anchor. With feet on ground movements, think Bruce Lee's 1 inch punch, you start that rotational energy at the feet, it goes through the hips, and out through the shoulders and arms. With swimming, since you don't have anything solid to anchor to, your shoulders and arms, when you start the pull, this gives you a leverage point. You have no real leverage point from the feet and hips. This is the only explanation I can think of that tells why the first kick in the 3/6 beat kick is the strongest. It is because it is at the long end of that spiral motion. The hips are the pivot point or maybe fulcrum, not the anchor.

  2. I get the concept, but how do we implement it? I mean, how do we push the rest of the body forward while keeping the catching arm "stationary", as against pushing the catching arm backwards?

  3. I am working on getting back into shape, and I would love to compete in a Sprint triathlon next year. Your training videos are outstanding and so informative. Please keep them coming I am a big fan!!!

  4. Thank you – just like you promised! Now watching 100m Olympic swim in slow motion – it looks like anchoring works even for sprinters… and I thought they only pedal like crazy.
    It makes perfect sense to increase power till the end of the stroke – like a crankshaft moving fastest near top dead center to keep piston's speed constant.
    I wish I watched this a few years ago.

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