1. wow is all i can say absolutely enjoyed it ive been looking for a good rowing exercise for months but they bored me to tears, but i enjoyed this challenge so much as its not the usual boring exercise thats way out of reach …well done

  2. Coach- body’s over first then legs and you have to relax your shoulders and arms and toes stay flat on the foot stretcher other than that really good strokes

  3. Very cool video, it motivated me to do another one tomorrow! Just one request: Stretching etc: Could you also show shots from other angles so I can make sure I am doing these right? Thanks. Please keep it up!

  4. Surely machine rowing should replicate the real thing, that is, in a boat? Watch a YouTube video of the Oxford Cambridge boat race and you'll see that the hands come into the solar plexus area and the back comes to the vertical, nothing more. The action you're demonstrating here looks awkward in the finish of the stroke and looks capable of causing injury in the unfit/unpractised.
    I only rowed for a couple of years in eights (boats) but since then I've kept fit partially on a rower and have always imagined myself back in the boat. No injuries and a very good resting heart beat for a 58-year-old. I would be interested in your thoughts.

  5. My daughter, wife, and I have been doing this one every other day. Love this workout. Feeling great afterwards and can definitely tell the difference. Thank you so much for this.

  6. Fantastic video. I'm a leisure Cyclist @ 60 years old. Cycling 3 days a week and Rowing this video 2 times a week. Great Compliment to my cycling. Thanks for the video. Just saw your # 3 Video and will give that a go!

  7. This was fantastic, thank you so much. I have been looking for a "class" I could follow at the gym that would keep me on the rowing machine for longer than 5 minutes. This did it and left me wanting more!

  8. Come on BR! Whilst I still train to this video after its improvements over the previous, with your wealth and depth of knowledge, surely a few more real time training videos covering sprint racing then head racing are much long overdue. Some of us have to spend hours in a garage at home training on an ergo so quality real time coaching from the experts is priceless. Remember, there's a lot of us BR members out here without the luxury of a gym or professional coaching. Good luck to all racing from local regattas to the World Cup series this summer 🏅

  9. Have been rowing on C2s for many years. Yet this video made me rethink a number of critical elements to focus on and improve upon. Its not designed to be a hard workout per se, but what it intends to deliver, it does so excellently. Well done.

  10. Hi Clare, I’m a senior member of the Welsh Coastal squad. We use your video for our training sessions. We would really appreciate some advice or pointers to continue to develop our indoor training. This is the email for our ladies captain Tyennemorgan@gmail.com. Many thanks Alison

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