1. Greatest wrestler of all time indeed,all our generation including me have committed a blunder,whenever we are into fitness we always sought inspiration from stallone or arnold all this are all fake,just steroids,shortcut which is very dangerous for health and unnatural,look very plastic,body will fade when person reach 60,wrinkles all over look at stallone and arnold all look older then my grandad though stallone and arnold are younger,we pakistanis and indians should be inspired by our own gama who is really strong and his workout and diets are remarkable,think lahore should revive this akhara and produce more world class pehelwan who can easily even defeat the ufc heavyweight fighters,even bruce lee is inspired by gama super strength,not only gama is strong and technical he also posses a golden heart who helps hindu during partition,think Pakistan should educate their youngsters and popularize this sports and make the youth of Pakistan inspired by gama who i feel cn defeat bruce lee and even muhammad ali too,not many Pakistanis youth know him,think the film industry and sports should raise this popularity level,this man is a legend of Lahore,

  2. गामा पहलवान फिर से पाना बहुत मुश्किल ही नहीं न मुमकिन है ऐसे पहलवान को सत सत नमन

  3. भाई साहब,महान् पहलवान भगवाना नाराणिया पर भी वीड़ियो बनावो कृपया करके…….इंटरनेट पर उनके बारे में कोई जानकारी नही मिलती है…..

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