1. Practicing here in New Zealand. Thank you for your platform and guidance, im guaranteed to find a flow here that is just what I need. Blessings for this new year Adriene xx

  2. I am having family issues right now but this has helped me remember who I am and to believe in myself to better understand my place in the world and to take time and nurture who and what I truly love. I feel great after following this video. Thank you 🙏

  3. Thought I'd start off the new year with some Gratitude (looking forward to HOME!) but it released SO much sadness at the end there, can anyone tell me why? Something about my roots maybe, I am grieving for losing my parent and he was an integral part of my roots… so maybe trying to connect with roots is making me feel the distance between us now he is gone?

  4. These videos are such a gift, and as I continue to practise, the depth of what Adriene says is sinking in further and further 🙂 This video is particularly meaningful for me, and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to nourish my spirit and be guided in this way. Namaste, and happy 2020!

  5. Hey Adriane, I love you so much . Awesome work! It has been several months I'm practicing yoga with your videos at home. Every morning before studying. Yoga is my inspiration to start an awesome day. Makes me feel released. Thank you!

  6. This was the perfect practice to close off my practice session for today and I really needed it cause my body is feeling all the yoga I have been catching up on so here's to another wonderful practice much love to u Adriene and Namaste 💕💞💓💗💖❤🙏

  7. This practise was just what I neeeded today amazing Adrienne. I am practising in my cousins living room in Copenhagen, Denmark. I just did my yoga teacher training in Spain and it was the most amazing experience – terrifying as well as I have begun to confront so much of the childhood trauma I have not processed yet. I feel so grateful that I have started this healing for myself. Thanks for being my online yoga rock <3
    When I was on the YTT I met two others who also found yoga through your channel on Youtube and it made me so happy to meet other yogi's that shared together from all over the world.
    Love xoxoxo

  8. Hi from Almere, the Netherlands! I did this video last month for the first time as part of the calendar and was really happy to see it again this month, this is my favorite YWA video so far, and one that really helps me ground and come back to myself in a time I really need to learn how to do that. Thank you! Really looking forward to joining in on HOME next month! ❤️🙏

  9. I'm very thankful for you, Adriene. My body is not turning on me anymore. Its supporting me now. Everything I do has become easier because of your videos. Thank God for you and God bless you.

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