1. This is my first time on this channel. I'm already thin but the fat seems to only go to my thighs, hips & butt. So I tried this work out this morning and literally sweated up a storm from 16 mins (did another video) I lost 1lbs from the legs. Here for the toning more than anything & to lose the excess fat from my thighs & tone the "booty". Thank God for you!!

  2. I'm a new subscriber and I'm so glad I found your channel. Because I really do appreciate your fast effective and easy to do exercises because I'm 60 but still in very good shape and I've had problems with my knees but your exercises are wonderful. Fast and effective is what I was looking for take care, Carrie

  3. I love it! Thank you so much for your workouts! I've been doing your workouts for the last nine months and they were a lifesaver during my pregnancy and now that I am starting to workout again postpartum! Your videos are one of few where I feel like you know what you are doing safety wise AND you don't let up on the intensity! You rock!

  4. wow those curtsy lunge/single leg squat combos killed!
    you're awesome Ashley, I love all your workouts, I follwed you all through my pregnancy, the only safe but challenging workouts I found… and now baby is crawling and every Where all the time,I don't have alot of time. these 8 minute workouts are perfect. thank you 😘

  5. These look fun! Do you think these are 2nd trimester pregnancy safe? The bridge butt lift I wasn't sure if that was a pregnancy safe workout move.

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