1. They require women to wear unitards and preform incredibly hard stunts and have the nerve to body shame a women’s body 🤔. Body shape shouldn’t matter. Weather she was 115 pounds or 240 pounds if she is doing the stunts and doing them well that’s the only thing that matters.

  2. Your body is perfect don’t listen to the rude people , you are Perfect the way god made you ,,, to me you are 100 , !!!! Your are a perfect and perfection !!!!

  3. If anyone actually is body shaming her it has to be females, because I dont know ONE MALE that wouldn't want her. She is the sexiest gymnast I've ever seen.

  4. Body Shaming? I have to call Bullshit on THIS!!! I'm sorry but this woman is a SMOKE SHOW!!! So beautiful on every single corner and a superior gifted athlete!!! When I'm feeling depressed it's her smile from ear to ear that warms my heart every time. My Daughter looks up to you!!!! Walk on and keep your head up please!!! Your fans from everywhere LOVE YOU!!!!

  5. Although, I think it was a good routine. I have no idea why people are making such a big deal about this. NCAA gymnastics is not even the top gymnastics in the world. It is the Olympics!!! I don’t think getting a 10 at a NCAA competition is that big of a deal. Simone Biles routines are so much better!!!

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