1. I am looking for yoga I can do without lifting my arms out to the side at all or in front of me, because I have a shoulder injury. I can't find any workout routines or even dancing which doesn't include doing these movements with the arms. I was hoping this was the answer, but putting my arms out in a T shape would kill my shoulder. I want to get stronger but I don't know what I can do… 🙁

  2. I know I've asked before but if you'd please consider a longer hands free vigorous vinyasa flow, us practitioners with wretched shoulder injuries would be even more grateful than we are for this sweet practice. Pretty please? You're that rare teacher with creative challenging flows, humor and humanity that we need! Thank you!!

  3. I'm on day 5 of not drinking alcohol and my anxiety was killing me! This took care of that and since I have nerve damage in my wrist, this video was pain free for me! Thanks for thinking about us disabled folk who can't use our hands too well. 🙂

  4. This was absolutely wonderful!! I struggle with chronic wrist pain and after years of worsening I had to basically give up all yoga since it focused SO much on downward dog (which put pressure right on my problem spot.) And since my problems go up to my elbows, having this completely hands-free was SO helpful! For the first time in what feels like years I feel only stretch and warmth, no pain!!

  5. These videos have been great for my vacation where I don't have my mat and don't want to wreck my knees on the hard floor! These help so I don't slack off and continue to practice, thanks:)

  6. Will check out yoga for the hands and wrists as well, but can you release "Yoga for mechanics" or something similar? I am griping and using tools all day and it would be appreciated to minimize the pain and stiffness from my job. Thanks in advance if you read this! Zack

  7. This is awesome and I'm sure you get millions of questions, but do you have or can you do a one armed workout? It would help with shoulder tendonitis and the inability to raise your arm over your head or carry weight (no downward dog). :0)

  8. Ah I'm so happy with this! I've broken my elbow a month ago and have been looking for a way to get back into working out without using my left arm too much, and there you are! Thank you for making this video on behalf of me and my broken arm <3

  9. Please, please add a longer chatarunga free class. This is lovely but so brief. A good vinyasa class level 1-2 with heat but no hands. Legs, core YES! Those of us who've been sidelined by injury are in dire need. Thank you so much. You're a wonderful guide.

  10. Day 67. Knees are bruised after dancing so tbh I was looking for a knees free work out and this worked! My headspace is all over the place today so truly grateful I could at least calm down for a few minutes and focus on the quality of my movements❤

  11. Thank you Adriene.
    Have lots of catching up to do.
    This was Great.
    A lil unsteady on part of it but then got steadier.😊
    May have been getting up at 430 instead of 530.
    Now more yoga please.
    Love You.

  12. Hi Adriene and everyone from the community who's reading this. Hope you're having a great day. I just wanted to share a great news. I adopted a dog yesterday, she's a 1 year old pug her name is Ollie and she was sitting beside me while I was doing yoga and that reminded me of Benji and I just wanted to share it with everyone. Ollie has a heart condition and the doctors said she'll hardly live 5 years and we're gonna make these years a party for her. So say hi to Ollie 🐶

  13. REUNITE day 6

    This is my second shot with the hands-free yoga, and I must admit I enjoyed it. I still consider myself as an amateur in the world of yoga, so my wrist isn’t properly “seasoned” and tends to hurt sometimes during practice. Therefore, this session is highly appreciated!



  14. Day 6 August 2019! I don't know what others think, but when you said (what I assume is) chair pose, you sounded Swedish =D (contrary to unpopular belief, I am not Swedish, but I do speak the language)

  15. Get reunited with your mind and body without the thought of working out tough just to get a toned legs or booty ☺️✨ Here’s a practice you can enjoy yet gives you a challenge to balance mindfully and strengthen the body as a whole 💗 Thank you so much Adriene and namaste 🙏🏻✨

  16. My heels well the nerve connected to my heel on the left foot was feeling this practice but I think I needed to stretch it so this was a great practice for that, thank u Adriene for this wonderful practice, much love, Namaste 💕💞💓💗💖❤🙏

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