1. Oh man, I still do that with the bubbles in the bubble bath! And sometimes, when my cat breaks into the bathroom, ive reached out and put bubbles on his head too….. Im glad I'm not the only grown up out there making bubble wigs 🙂

  2. I was hoping that this was somewhat like a modern day version of Spinal Tap, a mockumentary, with hidden gems of humor, and after watching it, realized that it is simply a pathetic excuse for self-indulgent loathing without much merit. I guess this falls into the "navel-gazing loser" genre, which Dan does masterfully conquer and portray throughout the duration of the movie.

  3. Dan Harmon isn't the hero we deserve, but he's the hero we need.

    It's not often a voice so brilliantly off kilter and uncomfortably honest is able to infiltrate the main stream.

    He's like an awesome dirty secret that you get to watch the rest of the world slowly but surely get to discover.

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