1. Want some help building your best body ever? Here are 4 ways I can assist whenever you’re ready:
    1) Want to be your own coach? Read one of my bestselling books for men and women:
    Men ⇒ https://geni.us/MikeSSYTBLS
    Women ⇒ https://geni.us/MikeSSYTTLS
    And want to get one of my audiobooks for free?
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    2) Want personalized help? Check out my custom meal plan and VIP one-on-one coaching services:
    Custom meal plan ⇒ https://geni.us/MikeSSYTCMP
    One-on-one coaching ⇒ https://geni.us/MikeSSYTVIP
    3) Want an easy boost? Add a couple of my science-based supplements to your regimen:
    Protein powder ⇒ https://geni.us/MikeSSYTL1
    Pre-workout ⇒ https://geni.us/MikeSSYTL2
    Fat burner ⇒ https://geni.us/MikeSSYTL3
    4) Want a free workout app? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced weightlifter, my free workout app Stacked will help you gain muscle and strength faster.
    Download for free ⇒ https://geni.us/MikeSSYTStacked

  2. Define "muscle loss". Does it mean a shrinking of the fibers or an actual breakdown/loss of fibers? I guess what I'm asking is does the muscle actually go away, or is it just smaller, waiting to be reactivated? And if it's the latter, does that explain why it's so easy to get back to where you were before the layoff?

  3. So what about if you had a bad physical trauma to part of your upper body an you have lost size on one side the body of about like 1 to 2 inches. About how fast would you be able to get back to the size you were before the accident?

  4. What about muscle growth without working out, doesn’t happen I hear you say but I would disagree as most of my muscle growth over the past 4 years has been exactly that. At 54 I was put on TRT and for 3/4 years I did not work out in fact I only joined a gym 2 months ago. I lost 6 st in fat weight and gained about 16 to 18 lbs of muscle mass. My BMI is 24.1 so this may just put a wee wrinkle in your argument

  5. hope this video blows up, great stuff bro. I see you included all your sources in the description, only improvement i'd say is to include cut aways to screenshots of the articles in the video and quicker delivery. keep it up

  6. I am 57.
    I have gone months, like 8 or more without lifting weights.
    That said, I also have a physical job ( landscaper).
    I do look leaner but I still have the same strength
    Once I start lifting again it all comes back quickly.

  7. I haven't trained for nearly a week due to a lower back injury (deadlifting), this upload is perfectly timed for me… Panic is over, I can't wait to get back into the gym. Thanks…

  8. As a 52 yr old 16/8 intermittent faster, I was concerned with losing my hard-earned muscle mass during my fasting window. Fortunately, my body preserved all my muscle while I burned off 25lbs of stubborn belly fat. Keep up the great work, Mike 👍

  9. Yes consistency is so necessary I agree! This video was very much appreciated, thank you very much. I used to freak out about living muscle even not training for a few days due to sickness, but through experience, I now know that’s not true.

  10. Injured left arm, possible rupture or small tear. Waiting on mri results but have been unable to use it. Working legs, core and right side of body. Left arm is getting soft but couldn't even flex it let alone lift with it. Couldn't even dispense soap or push a door open. Cant wait to be normal.

  11. So, life happens and i've lost about an inch on my arms since a month ago when now only lift 1 to 2x a week instead of 4x in the last 5 months (newbie). Maybe i've eaten less. but glad to know it's easier to re-build than to build. Thanks, man.

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