1. Hey gals – after filming and editing this video I felt like I left out a lot of details on what all happened these last 4 years. Honestly it's a little much for me to talk about on video – so I open up more about it on my blog. You can find the post here: http://bit.ly/2G01qUU
    Be sure and watch the video first though. Love you lots! 💕

  2. Hi Jenna, love you and your channel! This was a great video! Just wanted to clear up though that vegetarianism and veganism is not a fad diet but rather an ethical decision. For those that don't eat animals for health reasons, it is better described as a plant based diet. It can be a little frustrating when something being done out of compassion is viewed by society as a fad.

  3. Jenna you look wonderful! I absolutely understand the dietary restrictions because I have food allergies and so does my mom. When we're together, it's very hard to come up with meals that suit everyone (esp. With extended family). I've heard actually that the keto diet increases inflammation and can actually hurt the female body because it messes with the hormonal balance and fats. Definitely don't feel bad for not eating vegan/vegetarian, keto, whole 30, etc. I think when you find what your body and mind thrives on is a great space to be! I definitely don't believe in depriving oneself. It's just painful and frustrating to see everyone else enjoying food but not you. That's so fabulous that you've done so well! I know several others who have used weight watchers with great success. Keep up the good work! I love what you do here in your corner of the internet 😄.

  4. "Unless they're in a cake, I don't eat eggs" 😂 You crack me up Jenna! I'm the same way 🙈 Lol! Was a great vid and I so totally agree about it needing to fit our lifestyle. Otherwise, it's just not sustainable. I can imagine this was a more difficult vid for you to make as weight is always such a personal thing. So thank you for sharing your journey with us. I would think that many of us are on the same page as you as far as our approach goes and needing to be in the right 'headspace' for it. I could really relate to all you said and it's comforting to know we are not alone with these 'struggles' ❤️

  5. I think it’s great to know that prescriptive diets don’t work for you and they are not attainable in the long run in your experience. I’ve recently read a book called Intuitive Eating and pretty much said the dietetic research says something similar. You should check out the book. It’s written by registered dieticians and it made SO much sense to me. For workouts, I’ve been gentler on myself and working out when it works for me — and trying to get out of a guilt cycle if I don’t work out. I’ve been keeping track, as s motivator and to see how I’m doing, with an app called Draw Calendar. It’s fun. And gives me a snapshot of what I’ve done. Good for you!

  6. Jenna I'm so glad that you made this video. I've often become overwhelmed when I browse IG and other social media. It seems that so many people are into all of the fad diets or being vegan. Plus the – everything must be organic! I think for years I just felt it was far too restricting for me and so I never tried. I smiled so much when I listened to you talk about Tim's and being able to eat the things that you enjoy etc. It was like a breath of fresh air to hear someone approach a healthy lifestyle as just that….one that is balanced and doesn't make you feel like you're in jail. I began my health journey late January and I have lost 21 lbs so far. Like you I've done it by eating less but still having the things that I enjoy at times as well. Like an Iced Capp from Tim's! I walk outside every day or use my treadmill. One thing that has helped me a lot is having my new Fitbit. I got that in January and it has been a great motivation to get moving more. Being in the right frame of mind, as you mentioned, is key. I wasn't ready until this year either. I still have a lot to lose but I know that I can do it and hope to be there by late summer! 🙂 (I looked for those bowls at Canadian Tire and sadly I never found any lol) Thank you for sharing your journey so far Jenna. You made me feel good! I'll definitely go read your blog. Enjoy the rest of your week beautiful! xo

  7. You look fantastic!! You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned being in the right headspace, it doesn't matter how bad I want it, if I'm not in the right state of mind nothing will work!! Also laughed about the gluten free comment, and can totally relate to going to 3 different grocery stores each week to find all my gluten free groceries!! I've been gluten free for 11 years and sometimes still find it all consuming and overwhelming!! But, if I'm going to get any kind of sickness, I'm thankful to have one that can be managed with food and not medication 🙂

  8. Hi Jenna! Thanks for sharing, I always love watching how people achieve their weight goals. I went through the same thing last year and I lost 30lbs. I can attribute most of my weight loss to intermittent fasting and just watching my diet in general. I'm with you, I'm not too big on fad diets because I still like to go out and enjoy all kinds of food. I still have 15lbs to go and I kind of stopped for a while but I'm back at it this year trying to reach my final goal. I definitely agree with you, success completely depends on your mindset. I've been using the My Fitness Pal app and it's so surprising to see what foods you thought were low in calories but really are not.. quinoa for instance! Keep up the great work! I can definitely see the difference in your face. We are all here for you!

  9. Thanks for sharing your journey. I've done many different things over the years, and I often come back to WW. I've actually been a lifetime member since I was 13. I agree that it's very important to find a program that fits with your lifestyle. I end up gaining some weight back because the approach isn't sustainable. I've even fallen off tracking on WW recently, but I'm close to my goal weight so I'm not too concerned. I weight myself once a week and that helps keep things in check.

  10. Hey Jenna!
    Looking good, girlie!
    Congrats on the weight loss.
    Great tips!

    Going to incorporate some into my lifestyle now. I've slowly added weight over this winter and am not a happy camper. Time to get my booty into shape. Love Yoga with Adrienne. Have watched and done the routine in some of her videos for a year or so now. The 30-day challenges are really cool. She's amazing!

    One thing…clicked on the link to your favorite top.
    Favourite Tank: http://go.magik.ly/ml/a7yf/ (this is on a two day deal for $6.50 – what?!) . .
    It does take me to the ON site, but then I get an error message.
    Would really like to check them out as I"m not sure which specific top it is. Help!

    Thanks~ Melissa

  11. Awesome video Jenna, thank you for sharing! I appreciate how balanced and realistic your approach has been. You're right, whatever you approach you choose to health and wellness- it must fit into your long term lifestyle. I love Adriene too!

  12. Congratulations! I’m so glad to hear you didn’t make any drastic changes to your diet. I’m of the same thought that we shouldn’t restrict ourselves but just be mindful of how much we eat of certain things. 🙂

  13. Love this Jenna, love your philosophy and I agree with you, I don't like fad diets, I thing WW is a program that actually shows you how to eat! Congrats on the weight loss! Love your channel and your instagram!

  14. This was so helpful, thanks so much again for making it! The calendars and meal planning ideas were especially healthy because that is something I really struggle with too. And I'm so glad to hear that you lost the weight without going on any strict diet. I couldn't do that either. I need everything in moderation. Thanks for being so inspiring! 😊

  15. Jenna, I am so glad you found a system that works for you. I hope to lose at least 10 pounds. Thank you for sharing your tips on losing weight, exercise and meal planning. You are such an inspiration! Love ya! 💕✨

  16. That’s wonderful Jenna! I like these types of videos you do. We are very similar with finding balance, neck pain, yoga, treadmill at night with Netflix. I hope to lose the 20 lbs I gained during winter and from a med I was taking. I’m going to check out that app. 👍

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