1. I think you should go back to less frequent videos that are longer.
    So that you can explain with more detail.

    A while ago you asked us if we prefer shorter, more frequent videos, or less frequent, more in depth videos.
    My opinion is the longer ones where you explain much deeper into how things work in the body, and provide usable and implementable information on what to do, are more worth the time. More worth the time than searching through and watching a tonne of short videos that don't have the depth and scope like you used to. The shorter ones leave me uncertain, unsatisfied, and many times with no information of what to actually do to implement your recommendations.

    For example, in your fat fasting videos, you listed off a couple good fats, but no mention of a ball park figure of how much saturated fats to polyunsaturated fats to monounsaturated fats we should be aiming for, and why. It was a helpful video for sure, but just not quite helpful enough to be able to implement a fat fast.
    Many fat fasts out there are extremely unsafe, damaging, inflammatory. The ratios of fats we have are very important. I have been doing hours of research to find answers, even so, it would be a relief to hear it from a trusted source. Which is what I consider you to be, at least when I can witness your reasoning and explanations.

    Just my opinion.

    Thank you for all your hard work and sharing your knowledge on your journey, you are helping so many people and changing lives.
    I wish you all the best, and good karma in your life.

    There are high expectations from people to receive accurate information, which takes copious amounts of time to research… Thomas you being a reliable source of this information is why I come to you, and what is going to make your channel grow. We are banking our health on the idea that you are one of the most reliable sources of information we can find.

    If people want to complain about long videos, then they're clearly half-assing their effort and health. Looking for quick fixes without any effort.

  2. Awesome video as always Thomas. I have just one question that I can't seem to get my head around. I'm sure this will be useful for a lot of people:

    By increasing insulin levels with cinnamon, isn't there a risk that the body will also increase cortisol?
    Since cinnamon increases insulin levels but doesn't contain any carbs, won't the body secrete cortisol in order to mobilize glycogen stores or protein through gluconeogenesis?
    This way the body is secreting sugar into the bloodstream so that the extra insulin doesn't lower our blood sugar too much. Is this a fair assessment?

    Thanks in advance T!

  3. Some things that are incorrect in his comments. Also, am wondering if you receive “royalties” on these products you promote. Best to read Dr. Jason Fung’s (Medical Doctor) book, The Obesity Code,” regarding nutrition, proper fasting, etc. It’s an eye opener as you will discover many truths that are kept deliberately from the public. Best to understand your body, what nutrition really is, and then you can start on the road to great health.

  4. Man I'm outta here
    If I cant break my fast with these rice cakes Well maybe that's why I gained 5 pounds. All those damn rice cakes. You got me too delure
    I'm unsubscribing though this dude dont know what's going on. They making him say all those things , look at his face. I'm sticking to the twinmuscle channel. I like the way they break they fast

  5. Or you know, count calories, the stuff that matters? Neither cortisol or insulin is needed to store the fat you eat. Now, if you are talking about regulating de novo lipogenesis, thats a whole other story, but even that pathway is not something to worry about.

  6. HELP! Based on a previous video, I've been breaking my fast with a tablespoon of MCT oil… is that now a bad way to break a fast? I was doing the bone broth latte with collagen and MCT oil, but should I cut the oil?

  7. Hey mate, Im fro Aus and had a call today from one of your sales reps from 6packabs. Anyway 2k later I'm trailing IF this week. I understand the basics and science now but have some questions that may or may not seem silly.
    1. Do you say any carbs at all, potato, rice, sourdough?
    The reason i ask is some of these foods are staple diets foods in countries like asia and france, and they are some of the healthiest people in the world? Can you talk about this? are all bread really bad? or is this just a no go for people on IF?

    2. do i need to do the 16/8 everyday? I thought yes, until your sales team that sold me a heap of sups today told me NOT to do it everyday?
    Any chance i can email or contact you direct?


  8. Your information and understanding of nutrition and how it affects the body and mind are simply amazing.

    I am now understanding why and how I got fat and with your advice, I know that I will be able to regain my health. Thank you so much for giving me back my life.

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