1. I started practicing breathing out in the water and I can already see some improvement. Squats are helpful and I can do them without any effort but using that technique in freestyle or breaststroke is still not so good for me. I keep losing my breath and I have no clue how you can inhale in freestyle and not swallow water. It requires a lot of patience but I'm sure it will get better.

  2. I don´t think you have to breath in deeply. If the lungs have too much air, the top part of your body is going to float more than the bottom part, which happens to be the legs. These are going to sink down if you are a beginner and swimming is going to feel harder, because that's going to drag you

  3. Exhaling through the nose needs a lot of pressure and confidence. It’s not sth that we usually do on the land. So only two nose holes should pressurize the water out. That’s amazing but needs a hell of exercise.

  4. Holding the wall and sitting down while practising breathing may hurt your shoulder joint. It happened to me in all my enthusiasm. I was in a 5 feet pool. I am. 5'6" tall. So be careful.

  5. All of this looks easy. But, for me, it is very hard. I do not know I never learned as a child. I tried a couple of years ago but I could not float because of my not being able to be relaxed. friends tried to show me but I never did. Now that I am 62 years old I know it is hard for an adult to learn. where do you teach adults? I have been watching adult swim lessons for years but I never could be relaxed enough to learn.

  6. Whenever I go underwater some weird reflex happens where I just swallow. When that happens, some air comes into my nose which leaves my nose hurting a bit. Pls help!

  7. I have seen a lot of videos for beginners but none of them teach swimming in a very slow and step by step method mainly the catch. They either show outside the pool or too fast inside the pool. Can you make a video exclusively on perfecting catch?

  8. omg dude, get to the tips faster. you spent so much time saying shit like "with these tips your gonna be an amazing swimmer" and then for the last 2 minutes states obvious things.

  9. Hello! My main problem is I cannot comfortably inhale with my mouth when I turn because some/a lot of water comes in my mouth, too, so I get anxious that I have water in my mouth so on the next turn I cannot inhale because there is already water in my mouth. I have not seen a video in youtube seems to deal with that fact. Am I the only feeling that way? What should I do? Please help. Thank you.

  10. Idk why so much of this video is wrong. Never breathe in your lungs full of air, it creates an imbalenced body position where your torso and upper body are higher than than the rest of your body and this causes your legs to sink . Which you will need to apply more force to bring up to the surface again. Instead take air frequently but only breathe in enough for a few strokes(freestyle). I was taught to breathe after both your hands have completed their stroke and your first arm is coming back up again(essentially 3rd arm). But you can breathe in every 3/5/7th arm.
    Also dont hold your breathe in the water. Exhale constantly through your nose.
    Also exhale completely using your mouth just before you come up for air. Dont have air left to exhale in your lungs while you are coming up for air.

  11. Everything is easy near the wall but I panic when try to float or exhale in mid of the pool. It's been two days I started learning and I think your videos will help in not panicking. Thanks for posting.

  12. While practicing the breathing at horizontal floating position with little leg movement as shown in the video ( at 8.40), when I lift my head for breathing my legs tend to sink and I feel a pressure at my lower back, is it normal? Please clarify, thanks in advance.

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