1. Seen the beginner's guide, it's been a great help….When do we move onto intermediate??? Possibly Live Gig Etiquette? Crowd surfing, Slam dancing, and the Pros and Cons of Projectile Vomiting in crowded spaces….Also, I see alot of people ( myself included) struggling with the 'Air Guitar Windmill – With The Power Stance' – Pete Townsend Style, with THE WHO. Any help with that would be much appreciated. Rockin' It High… Thanks🤘

  2. A. Is this actually considered dancing?
    B. If it's a "cliche"- everyone must pretty much already knows the head bob/arm in the air.
    C. Anyone doing the air guitar move needs to not attend any public concert or show.
    D. There is a WikiHow with instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, nothing on YouTube surprises me… unfortunately.
    E. Who thinks these kids ever even listen to any form of "rock music"? …. cricket.

  3. Dude I dance like Steven Tyler, Bon Scott and Freddie Mercury altogether and I have never in my life seen them play the air guitar ???!!! Sooooo I think I will just take dancing tips from Angus young or something.

  4. And they call themselves dance choreographers? This was soooo embarrassing! What the hell was that? You can dance to rock music just like to any other, you just adjust the steps, tempo, figures… aaagggrrrhh so bad!

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