1. Mate, not a lot of youtube videos explain the fundamentals/concepts in dancing so that I can use it as a foundation to create my own dance moves. This video is gem for me. Thank you. Please keep spreading the message.

  2. Holaa Paradox 😀 eres el mejor bailarín que conozco, quisiera ya bailar como tú, llevo bailando 4 años, y comparado con los 19 años que llevas tú , siento y espero que en ese tiempo baile igual de increíble que tú! Amo el baile, es mi pasión, lo que me gusta hacer en todo momento. Ver tus videos me anima a seguir con el hip hop. Gracias por seguir subiendo este tipo de videos que me ayudan mucho, aunque me cuesta un poco el inglés ':). Me gustaría que subas videos de improvisación o coreos hechas por ti, que quiero aprender más de ti. 🙂 😀

  3. brother kevin I'm from India your videos are amazing brother blessings for the dancers who cannot afford all those workshops so basically I want to ask you about the musicality how you listen to music and how you define 🙏❤️I hope you will reply me with my answer much love

  4. hallo paradox nice video i have a question youre konzepts withe the hand stuff its many inspiration from popping techics its thate right i pratice many stuff from it and i love it thats why i ask you ?

  5. Man I'm from Argentina. Your knowledge and way of expressing it goes really far… I love this videos, would love if you could make any more of them, honestly. Thank you for this, I really appreciate what you are doing for this art. Love and Respect from Córdoba, Argentina! <3 ♫

  6. Damn !! This video and the other videos you posted about this are relics ! These changed my way of thinking about freestyle and helped me alot on practice, now here comes the progress of learning and training, thanks kevin paradox, you are a huge inspiration for me, really love your style and the way you think and explain dance thanks 😀

  7. Kevin i hope you know u are helping a lot of people around the world for real man im really really thankful for u to take ur time to do this kind of videos, much love from Spain im really happy right know cause i've just learnt a lot and have a lot of things to practice! 😀

  8. how you explained the 5 different ways to use your hands instantly made sense, now when ever I'm doing a move or just free styling or practicing, I always think of the meaning of where my hands or going. How you said if you make a fist you can take swings or be something bold or strong like a fist and it makes the next move almost 'hard' or 'sturdy' when someone looks at it,

    I'll always keep this in mind thank you!

  9. Musicality – I love how you mix the elements and such with it. Love it man. Not sure where you're based, but if I hope you're doing some workshops somewhere. Would definitely enjoy it.

  10. Hi Paradox, first of all , thank you for making these videos ! I do really like how you explain about feeling the music , connecting it to the body , using and representing "Images/shapes" taken from whatever in your life snapped an emotion or learned.
    Dance can be so complex to understand after all , it's has so many variants in it and you Need to apply.
    Also i think the actual song you dance to is very important which leads to my question. Could you make a video where you dance to songs that we suggest you?

  11. Jo paradox ik ben yannick tien jaar oud en dans ook. Ik vind jou danstijl heel apart en ook vet tegelijk en ik wil net zo goed als jou worden misschien zelfs beter en daarom heb ik een vraag voor jou: hoe zorg je ervoor dat mensen jou freestyle of choreo interessant blijven vinden want als ik in een battle zit heb ik soms dat de judges gewoon de anderen kant opkijken en het publiek ook en dat vind ik heel naar want ik heb meestal het gevoel dat ik goed ga want ik dans bij MBS ik mag naar het WK UDO en dat snap ik gewoon niet! Kan jij mij helpen?

  12. Hey paradox i wanted to ask if when you are dancing does it help to imagine your self freestyling when you are dancing? or do you just free your mind and dont worry about how you look?

  13. Paradox, I have a question, I have been popping for quite some time now and I am really focusing on shift more into hip hop movement, my problem is simple I tend to stand too straight when I dance and it makes my movements feel not hip hop, and when I watch myself dance on video I don't know how to practice natural grooves, I know groove movement but I don't want it look cliche and basic, I want to look more natural. Please help! greeting from Houston, TX

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