1. me: hey! i did it! okay, lets do it together with ma mans vicky. Les go victor!

    vic: 5…. clap ….6…. clap ….5.. clap 6..7..8

    also vic: does seemingly easy seemingly slow step at godspeed

    me: bruh…

    vic: and that's the beginner step

    video: ends

    me: what the frikin hell

  2. I finally got it down after two hours and some rashes on my legs. Even though my feet killing me I’m happy I got it. How is that only for beginners?? It’s just going super fast that’s hard

  3. i really needed this becuase my school is looking for people to be on the step team and i sighned up but i have no idea how to step and i have auditions in 5 days! so this really helpled me i think im ready thank you

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