1. thank you for making this video, it has been so hard to find weight gain videos coming from skinny women that don't focus so much on meals. I just want to say the things you state in this video is so true! The only time I was able to reach 125lbs was in first year university when I was actually working out more frequently, having actual meals, snacking between meals, eating before and after the gym, and eating before I sleep.
    Reverted back to 110-115lbs (5'7) because it's such a struggle and stress to eat when you're not hungry but I've been working out and I did start being a lot more hungry, but what really helped me was working out both cardio and machines and stop smoking/vaping before meals because it's an appetite restriction. Only worked out twice a week though so I noticed I was only hungry for that day and the morning after. Will definitely try going to the gym more often!

  2. I really want to try out serious mass for the extra calories. I try to eat a lot but I can’t get enough calories in due to my schedule. I eat really clean and lift weights at the gym. I’m nervous if I take it’ll the fat will go to my face and stomach. Will this happen if I lift daily and eat clean?

  3. I just came across your channel today and sis, you put my life on blast lol. i definitely will be trying to Maca Root with protein shakes and eventually make it to a gym. for now, i'll start out at home. Thank you so much for this video.

  4. I’m 5’6 and weigh 99-105 . I can gain like 5 pounds in a week and literally lose it in a day. I can never keep the weight I gain and it’s so discouraging. How do I keep the weight on me?

  5. If you're eating before the gym make sure you leave it for around an hour so that you give it time for your food to digest. This means that the blood isnt in your stomach digesting food and therefore your muscles will grow

  6. Weight Gain Plan:
    – 1 ensure
    – Breakfast
    – Snack
    – Lunch
    – Lunch #2 (if you can)
    – Snack
    – Dinner
    – 1 ensure

    Daily Workout:
    BOTTOM – Use weights if you can..
    – 30 squats.
    – 30 fire hydrants each leg.
    – 30 reverse lunches each leg.
    – 25 jumping jacks.
    – 30 calv rises

    – 50 side to side sit ups.
    – 50 side swings.

    – + 5 pushups every 2 weeks.
    – arm circles front and back. 20 times
    – arm rises 50 times.
    – arm punches side to side 30 times.

    Can be done at home, hope I helped someone.
    Edit – If you want it bad, work for it! 💕 you got it.

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