1. You are so motivating Kathy! Thank you for these words of wisdom! I'm a big time procrastinator, so this really helped me to want to get going. I used to love weights, so I think I'm going to start there and stretching. I love those Atkins bars for a save me, lol. Also, I'm a big ice cream lover and obviously I can't have that now, so I've been getting the Skinny Cow Sugar Free Ice cream sandwiches! Amazing and super satisfying! Thank you so much for the video, I really needed this! love you dolly! xo

  2. Needed this something FIERCE! Turned 52 today. Kids are 11 and 12, wearing me out! It’s surely my food quality. Sooo tired. My doc refused to write Rx for contacts due to dry eye. 80 LBS?!!! 🤣 I’d never have guessed. Kathy, you are a fountain of lived knowledge about so many things with which I’ve needed guidance. I’m so grateful for your channel. You just have no idea. 😘🤩

  3. whatever I showed up lol love it … I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to tone the hanging fat on me LOL I dont' think it can happen so I get unmotivated! You would be a good coach Kathy! xoox

  4. Thanks Kathy for encouraging all of us . We are trying to eat and workout as a family. It is hard but when you work as a family is easier.👍💜🚴🏻‍♀️Love ❤️ health and happiness

  5. 53 ????? Wow! I had you pegged at most in your late 30s. If that is not a testament to your lifestyle, I don’t know what is!! I was wondering how you could you possibly had adult kids. You look absolutely fantastic, girl!!! Oh, btw, I am sitting on the couch eating cookies!!!

  6. Loving your discipline. Received an Apple Watch for Christmas from my daughter to get back on track and I’m so conscious of my steps and reaching daily goals. Now to clean up my cravings for something sweet. We try to eat by 6 PM or 7, have lots of organic veggies when home and not on business trips. Just filled celery sticks with almond nut butter and loving my pasture raised eggs. Never thought about “fillers” ..,great idea. You are so right about sugar. Now to watch your work outs and “ just do it”. Thanks sweet angel for being my personal trainer …I’m on board with yoga and weights. Sweet dreams Pelaton girl. Love and hugs…Sherry

  7. I really like Atkins and although I have to do limited dairy and can't eat those processed bars (ugh, sugar alcohol, no bueno) .. it's my go-to diet when I fall off the wagon 🙂

  8. You are so motivational! I'm gonna start working out, doing something, not sure what, i haven't had a workout routine since 2007. But you've gotta keep throwing it out there, mentioning it, making me feel accountable. Weight Watchers always worked for me because it kept me accountable and aware of my choices. My new mantra when making food and 3xercise choices is gonna be "what would Kathy do?". Let's get started, sister!

  9. Girl do not even get me started on falling off track, it would be a tear jerker for sure! I cannot imagine you 80 pounds heavier, heck you are motivating all by yourself! Love you! XOXO

  10. Great tips. Glycation is the process whereby sugar breaks down the collagen/elastin in our bodies. Sugar feeds cancer! Do you mind me asking how tall you are?

  11. You do make me laugh. "Yeah im here, i showed up" even though im pretty hampered now with my Multiple sclerosis. But i have a few staple exercises. I do an exercise with my arms. Tightens my arms and boobs lol. I lie on the floor like Ted & Violets chair put both legs on then just lift its like reverse puships. Keeps my core strong. And recently i watched Sandra Hart. She was showing facial excercises. Im led in bed doing them, and realised i was also sonehow tensing my whole body. Good i thought. Nice i saw those Bars Built on Monikas channel. Dunno if they are in UK. But an apple a day keeps the Doctors away. My Nan & Grampy had apple trees. So perfect Love ya sweet girl. xxx 💕❤💞🐶🐾🐾

  12. I lost weight switching to mostly plant based – fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, with small amounts of meat and dairy. It lowers my calories considerably, and increases my energy. I don’t do well low carb, but I do limit processed carbs. Tbh, I’m uncomfortable eliminating entire food groups, and believe most people should eat whole grains. I think the problem is most people eat too much and are out of balance. I just do much better with some whole grains in my diet. I treat myself with small amounts of desserts. Working out regularly gives me those extra treat calories. My exercise motivation is that it relieves anxiety and stress. It makes me happy! My favorite is weights too. You look great in your videos, and I’m always happy to see someone promote exercise!

  13. You were reading my mind!!! I need to get back on track too. Loved your tips and tricks. I don't know what to do: every so often I HAVE TO HAVE a chocolate ice cream bar. They come 3 in a package and within 24 hours I eat all 3. If you or anyone have ideas for me, just post it. I want to give it up. Yes on the baby steps. Really works. I just bought a stationary bike. So while watching tv or YouTube, I dont even realized I've biked for half an hour. Thanks for sharing;). ❤👏❤

  14. We are so much alike, I gained 80 pounds with my pregnancy too, though I never lost at all. And I try to eat about the same amount of calories but I find now that I’m over 50 but used to work easily doesn’t work anymore it is such a struggle I gain and lose the same 8 to 10 pounds for the last three years. Again people are like oh it’s such a small amount and I’m a small person but it still affects my wardrobe and I don’t feel like buying all new clothes LOL

  15. Hi sweetness, this was a good one b/c we all need our own motivational tricks! I was never a "workout" person, not even on a treadmill, but when I hit middle age a long time ago and needed to lose about 30 lbs. my husband took me to the gym with him (he has always worked out) and after I got used to just doing cardio, I loved it! Doesn't mean that I love it all the time, but as you said "just do it"!! My grandmother used to say dreading something is ALWAYS worse than doing it and she was right, once you get into it, not bad!! Still enjoying your "go to" recipes!! Love you and Hugs !!!

  16. That sounds good about waiting until the next morning. If I eat something late in the day, the next morning I wake up so hungry. That always confused me. LOL. You always have good tips. Thank you. xxx 💗💗💗

  17. Wowza girl fabulous video!!! Love love loved it!! Thank you so much!! Very helpful!! I'm trying not to think of myself as a lost cause. I have a bad habit of yo yo dieting. Usually I'd lose weight for a big event like a cruise, buy a bunch of new clothes for it, and then in three months there hangs the clothes I can't fit into again 😭 😭. I need to be consistent and maintain! I'm tall and was always thin till I hit my late 30's. I've struggled with this yo yo-ing FOR YEARS! I guess I have given up at some point. I started some what of a diet in January and have lost 5 pounds, but I'm slipping already…doesn't help that my husband is a big eater/snacker!! He walked in this morning with a strawberry rhubarb pie!! 😭😭. Thank you again!!! I'll look forward to your blog. Love you sis!!! 😘 ❤ ❤

  18. You're so cute!! I love all your tips!! Love it when you said "I was just sitting on my pelaton not even breaking a sweat for 15 minutes for a month, but that's okay…because then I thought hey, I think I want to tighten up the tension and now I'm standing up breaking a sweat" 😂I can see you there that first month chillin, hey I'm doing something, it's all good… So cute!!!!
    And your workout… Doing laundry then drop to the floor do push UP's, vacume then do chest… Girl…Just do it!!! Great moto…👐👐🎉🎉💯💖 you're so gorgeous and inspiring!! 😘😘😘 xoxo

  19. I love this video and this concept. It comes at a perfect time. I am glad your liking the built bars..I just got the peanut butter brownie and the mint brownie..love!! Today they have cookies and cream and yes I will go get some unless they are sold out. This is a video that will help so many no matter what the stage in getting healthy is. Love you !! Trish xoxoxox

  20. Hi healthy muffin!
    Yes! Great advice! Is it going to make me look and feel better? I appreciate you sharing your recipes. It’s so easy to get off track and hard to get back on. Appreciate the encouragement:)
    Love you!!🥰🌸

  21. awesome tips thank you so much, making your chicken salad & Mex Mess to keep in the fridge today . My favorite Atkins treats are the little chocolate caramel squares 15 in a box one will help the craving. Lots of water too

  22. Thanks so much Kathy; love these type of videos! I am also 53 and menopausal so struggle with the same issues. Daily nutrition and routine are so important and I have gone off the rails plenty of times. I appreciate your encouragement for getting back on track. We are getting ready to move so it's easy to go off of an effective, structured routine. "How Kathy gets her groove on!" Thanks and have a great week!🌞

  23. Good Morning Gorgeous! This video is perfect timing for me! Great advice that I needed to here and to incorporate into my life. Hope you have a great day! Love you my beautiful friend!

  24. Good morning sunshine! I am sooo feeling you on all this! What happened to me was, my youngest granddaughter is in Girl Scouts. Well, its cookie time with them! I couldn't say no to that precious face, so for about 3 weeks, I was eating Girl Scout cookies! I go more by my measurements than weight. I have put on an extra 3 inches on my waist and 2 inches on my hips! So as of yesterday, no more cookies for me! I try to eat my meals between 7:00 am – 3:00 Pm, and no eating anything after that 3 PM time! That works great for me. I also drink TONS of water all day, everyday! So here is to all of us who deal with our "weaknesses and crutches" on a daily basis! WE WILL get through this and get back on track! Thank you always for sharing with us, and I hope you have a lovely day! God bless you, love ya dear friend xoxo

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