1. I assume Brian prefers to have his “hype men” around him when he trains, but as someone who prefers to train solo with some headphones, I would find these guys shouting at me every 2 seconds annoying as hell. They almost makes the video unwatchable for me.

  2. Hello hello Brian. I am new to the channel and I love it so much I mean, it's awesome man! I'm a 12 year old kid and I'm inspired by you. Actually I was so inspired that I started working out myself and have improved a whole lot. You may not notice this comment but if you do, your freaking awesome and you have inspired me to get strong also.

  3. I like to over head press 300 pound railroad tie just a regular one it was hard at first i like picking it up from the ground and press it 10 reps 15 times. brian is why i started pushing myself so hard

  4. Saw him and his wife out last night at the Roadhouse! Such nice people! Glad to see good fortune for people like them. They tried to seat him at a 2 top booth! Funny as hell lol!

  5. You have lost some respect from me for your tongue flipping and going back on what you said, with regard to your challenge to Patrick.

    Either own up to the challenge you set forth or admit that you can’t squat as much as Patrick.

    You said “any” event, big boy. Own up to it. Hearing you make excuses about him being shorter and more ideal for the movement he chose to challenge you in (the Squat) was most disappointing.

    Get it the fuck done or bow your head in respect. Hell, it’s just one movement. Is your ego that fragile? Considering your amazing accomplishments, why would you care if Patrick could beat you in ONE movement… I wouldn’t think any less of you. You would still be considered by most to be a dominant force in most strength related movements.

    Hell, I’d list the same reasons why he was better… he’s shorter and he’s literally built for Squatting. Why do you think he picked the Squat!? 😆 Christ, it’s probably the only thing he could beat you in, big boy.

    You need to nut up about this, because your handling of the matter is most disappointing, to say the least.

    Honestly it’d mean a ton of you’d openly yield the floor to Patrick on this ONE movement if you don’t think you can best him at it.

    I suppose ad revenue, your channel, your reputation, and your overall self perception are more important than giving another man the benefit of the doubt with regard to a challenge that you yourself orchestrated.

    It will take a ton of maturity to own up to this. I have a feeling your buddy, Eddie Hall, and especially THE man of terrific experience and strength, Nick Best… would agree.

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