1. Thanks for this encouragement. I've done alot of research & tried alot of things to lose weight but none seems to work and I give up so easily after a mishap maybe days or weeks into trying. Thanks for reminding me that I am only human & I can make small changes rather than beating myself up every time I fail. 😍

  2. Another way to help is to change your definition of 'food'…. look at the ingredients of Oreo cookies or Doritos etc. Most 'ingredients' (in processed foods) are chemicals…chemicals are NOT food.. And start replacing chemical concoctions with real whole food…there is no need to feel deprived. There are so many recipes where real whole foods can be used to create sweet and satisfying 'treats' and there is no need to feel 'guilty' after eating them because they are healthy and nutritious because they are made with real, whole foods. Quality matters. I love what Dr. Hyman says, something like …food is not just number of calories or even number of carbs or protein etc. Food is 'information'. It determines how your cells (body) behaves/reacts/heals/eliminates/detoxifies etc. Chemicals concoctions will give your body very different 'information' (set of instructions that create illness) than real, whole, foods (provides information for health). Game changer for me.

  3. I’m the SAME way. Growing up I always had snacks in the house and my parents still do. My mom has that will power to just not eat them. Ever since I owned my own place with my husband, I’ve always known that if I buy it, I’m going to eat it, which is a good thing I guess but now running a home daycare I have food requirements to lots of crackers and stuff come through my house. But this is how I exercise my will power too, just avoiding at all costs 🙂

  4. Dawn… I keep repeating these videos (and all of your videos for that matter) because of your encouraging spirit, the simplicity you offer and suggest, and just the overall experience I have when I "hang out and chat" with you. Keep it up!

  5. Thank you. I'm really enjoying this series. I also have to get the junk food out of the house to avoid temptation. If it is unopened I usually donate to the local food pantry. I'm looking forward to your video on diet.

  6. I'm so happy I found your channel, I'm working on taking control of my life after a 2½ year limbo in my work/life balance and I'm ready to take care of things! I'm going on 30 but felt like I'm going on 50. Your encouraging attitude and tips are realistic and inspire me to take one extra step day (and to recognize that even if I fail, it's ok, try again tomorrow). Thanks for making this channel!

  7. I use My Fitness Pal app (free) to track my food. I jog/walk and do yoga. Gretchen Rubin’s book Better Than Before has some great strategies for habit change that were VERY helpful to me. Thanks for the encouragement 😁

  8. Since I've gotten closer to menopause I notice once a month I need chocolate. One month I ate a whole tub of chocolate icing. Well my hubby wanted a cake so I baked it and then had to explain why there was no icing!

  9. Steps not going well!

    My husband and I are on a 2 week holiday in Cyprus and the first week was excellent but then we got food poisoning so some days walking to the bathroom was the only exercise. On the upside I’m pretty sure the weight loss is going well😆

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