1. Chase, this channel is going to start growing so much so quickly. Thanks so much for the Turmeric advice, I am already planning to add it to my Schnitzel chicken.

  2. To answer your question about removing stains: try spraying this bottle called Fantastik (yes with a K) before washing. Don't try to rub the stain with water first, just spray with this product, let it sit for a minute or two, then wash 😊

  3. Good content. I have been using the highest quality turmeric powder for about 2 years and it has been helping. I simply mix it in to my morning smoothies and my protein drinks for my pre and post workout. You have a new sub. Peace, love and joy.

  4. Doesn't the body go into ketosis in a few hours after the meal, even though having eaten moderate carbs? So a keto diet helps just by making the body burn fat even during those first hours after the meal. Am I missing something?

  5. I sprinkle turmeric on my breakfast cereal every day, along with ginger (usually a heaped tea spoon of each) & sometimes add a pinch of black pepper (as it helps with making the curcumin more bioavailable to the liver). Breakfast is usually a bit of soft fruit/berries, some natural yogurt, raw oats, unsweetened muesli & some nuts (mixed or almonds). If I'm a bad boy, I'll sprinkle on a bit of that fake health food on top – but, from your other videos, that's a big no-no 😉

  6. I enjoy your topics and love your delivery. You have another subscriber 😊 Btw, interested in the chicken wing recipe. Where would I be able to view that?

  7. Last I used turmeric was to give a second fermentation to my bottled kombucha.. but I usually sprinkle it in organic beef bone broth, cooked for 72 hours at about 80 degrees with ground pepper, wakame and miso 🤣
    I looooove my food!

  8. Indian here and turmeric is a staple part of the Indian diet. My grandma was a strong believer of Ayurveda and used to make me drink “golden milk” aka turmeric milk growing up… I don’t consume dairy anymore so I just add it warm almond milk or warm water.
    My family also uses turmeric (and black cumin) to season veggies and dal (lentils).

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