1. Ok wait a minute. I get the fasting and OMAD on refeed days. I get it that it works. Hell I've done it and proven it to myself before. But now it's promoted to drink a liter of piss? So basically if you don't do it and the diet fails that's the cop out he can say since you didn't drink your piss that's why you are still fat? Or am I interpreting this wrong? Is that what he calls the snake juice now? I'm just concerned we are going down the ED road with all these tweaks and epiphanies every two weeks. Either there is a proven protocol to this or not. I'm starting to think he is making this up as he is going along.

  2. Just become President of the USA and get it over with.
    No other monkey puppet is even close to capable.
    Please also be my Dad.
    And kick my real Dads ass.
    That is all.

  3. I’m at Starbucks right now… I forgot to bring my headphones 🎧… i guess the FATTIES here would benefit from this video 🤷🏽‍♀️
    Edit – this is hilarious 🤣 omsghsdkkd

  4. "You don't have to do that 500 cal refeed or any of that shit I used to promote" – Cole 09:15

    This is what makes him so great. He's not afraid to evolve and seek better ways, even going back on whatever he promoted in the past.

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