1. Hello Versatile, I ve been doing this diet plan from past 4 days.Can I drink milk with ghee in the night after dinner instead of green tea in order to overcome the constipation problem?

  2. Hiii Vickyy……Now I am on your vegan diet plan and lost 3kg in 5 days..Can I make oats bhel instead of oats and flaxseeds for dinner

  3. I don't have many ingredients at home I'm not Indian and I don't know a lot of these. But I followed one of your diets before and it was really effective.

    I don't eat a lot but I snack a lot when I'm studying to procrastinate, so if I went with fried sweet potato, an apple and green tea for breakfast and also oatmeal(low fat milk oatmeal) for lunch and fruits for a snack + green tea, would that work ?
    I usually skip a meal. Now I know it's not healthy to skip dinner, but would that affect my weight loss ? Will I lose less if a skip?

  4. Hey everyone!!
    Just came back here to tell you guys to not to be afraid of trying this diet at all..as I was having alot of questions before I had started it like what if I gain the weight back Soo guys it's very important for you all to understand the importance of healthy lifestyle don't do it just for the sake of losing weight do it to make yourself a healthy and a happier person and try to avoid junk as much as you can..but seriously it's working very efficiently and I'm really impressed..as I was trying to loss weight since two years but could lose only 2 – 3 killo even after eating home cooked food ..but this diet helped me alot in losing my stubborn fat…I hope you guys also get the results… thank you Soo much Vicky for this amazing diet and ya one More thing I cheated on the diet but I had a healthy option like steamed idli ,appe or poha which is a tasty and a healthy option

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