1. Thanks for the discount link, Jen. Just ordered the scale, looks like a good one and I've been looking for a more complete scale for awhile.

  2. Thank you so much! Great tips!
    Im a 46 year old mom of a young adult son with severe Autism. I’ve recently with through menopause. I was over weight and having all of the affects of menopause. I was miserable. Then about a year and half ago something just clicked. I realized if I kept going the way I was going in 10 years I wouldn’t be able to take care of my son. That was a wake up call!!!!
    When I started it was so difficult! But I was motivated! My husband was so supportive. My best friend became my workout buddy. To keep me accountable, which for me was very important.
    Now I so look forward to my 5am workout. I’ve lost 28 pounds since September 2018. But for me it wasn’t about being skinny, it was About being healthy and stronger and having more energy. I check the scale maybe once a month. But I like to see how my clothes fit me better and how I feel. I’m not on a diet. I hate that word. Been there done that and I couldn’t sustain that. I just do everything in moderation. Gave up soda and a lot of sugar. I’m like you I’ll eat sugar occasionally but not all the time. That’s my story and wanted you to know you’ve been an inspiration to me! Anyone can do it at any age! I’m proof of that!

  3. Love this, thank you! Ive been using your recipes, home cleaning tips, budget tips and meal planning tips (I plan for 30 days at a time, then cross out what i make, it’s from an older video you made in your previous home) and they have really simplified my life. When in doubt WWJD, What Would Jen Do? ❤️

  4. Loved this video Jen. Probably one of my favourites to date. My family and I (I have two teenage boys) have decided to make this year the year we all eat more healthier! I would love to see more what you eat on a daily basis videos – you and your healthy lifestyle are such an inspiration to me! We all need to take more care of our bodies! Just wondering if you have any snacks or tea/coffee after dinner? 🥰

  5. I want to say THANK YOU!!!!!! Last three videos you have posted are like some of my absolute favorite. I have literally watched you for three years every video. You're a regular in my home. I have felt soooooo lost and overwhelmed and you bring so many great ideas in a palatable easy way. It is wonderful to have someone that knows what they are doing and can help you through the overwhelm life can throw at you from cleaning videos, to time management, to routines, to organization, to just motivation and information on how to get healthy if you don't even have a starting point. I sincerely want to say THANK YOU! VIDEOS ARE AWESOME!

  6. Great video. Couldn’t agree more with the part about letting yourself have a treat sometimes! Otherwise you will definitely binge like you said haha. Would love to see more what I eat in a day videos from you. I am on WW but I bet a lot of the things you eat would be considered low points on WW!

  7. So many good tips. 🙂 Another great source of information is the book How Not to Diet by by Dr. Gregor. Lots of great stuff there. He has a free app too with little tweaks you can do each day called Daily Dozen. You can toggle back and forth between the daily dozen (healthy foods to include each day for longevity) and 21 tweaks (weight loss tips). And it's all science based!

  8. Wonderful video and such great healthy advice! So far, I've lost 15 lbs in the last year, but I seriously need to tone up. As always, you are beautiful on the inside and out! Blessings, dear!

  9. Jenn, you are so sweet and explain things so well. I am 67 years of age. When I was in my 30's, I liked to go to the gym. I was in the best shape of my life. I've had injuries from falls during my life, and my knees aren't in the best shape, so I have to be careful what I do. Doing the weight machines got me in the best shape of my life and I was one size smaller because I was so toned. Thank you for taking time to explain your diet & exercise routines. I'm trying to get back in shape and it isn't easy, but it is doable!

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