1. please help !!!! so i started fat loss 3 months ago after taking a break from exercising and diet to recover my period , i maintained 69kg at 2600 calories for a year 31% body fat, in 3 months i slowly droped calories depending on my progress and started exercising 30-40 minutes weight/cardio , i lost….. 4 pounds in 3 months ,,, BUT I CUT FROM 2600 TO 1600… plus excersise.. I am so hungry and not seeing progress … i am literally crying and i dont know what to do .. i miss food i really want to treat myself to 6000 calories on my birthday ( 90% from doughnuts ) but clearly my body isnt as efficient as yours… i dont know what to do i want to get to 60kg at least .

  2. I don't eat. Thats helps me reduce body fat but I eat something speacial like eggs because it has protein to repair muscle and water and then I go on with my day just drinking water lol. And then I eat at night😂. What a live

  3. Hmm.. pumpkin in smoothies? Imma try that! 😃💗
    Edit: I love that you do not promote a restrictive diet. Thank you so much for being such an inspo for so many girls out there! 😘👌🏼💓💓💓

  4. Whats your thoughts on steady state cardio if someone literally can not do hiit cardio. I have extremely bad knees and i have a conditioni n my back where if im doing allot of jumpink movements etc i start getting tingles all in my legs . is steady state just as effective as hiit cardio? i noticed since i lowered my carbs i have put on 5 pounds in the past month or 2 and im 5'4 at 132 looking to be at 125-127 whats your thoughts on adding in carbs again and what about cardio i have a desk job mondy through friday and usually strength train 4-5 days a week thank you

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