1. Thank you so.much you are amazingly energetic . I was noticing the likes and dislikes and have seen just a few likes which means the human being is still operating at a low vibration . I guess a lot needs to be done for the human race. Thank you for your presence on Earth.

  2. I think this video is mislabeled. It might be better if it was listed as EFT to heal low selfesteem, or negative body image related to weight. However, the script you use in your tapping assumes that the tapper relates carrying 20 pounds of excess fat with being ugly, being unlovable, or being unhealthy. Many people don't feel that way. I don't think I'm ugly because I want to drop excess fat. So for me, the script ends up being jarring, because I start going into the feeling that the issue that this tap is for is not my issue. I like a lot of the things you said about choosing your own body, and feel those to be valuable, and I definitely think this video would be valuable for someone who believes that because they have excess fat they are ugly, but it's not really a topping for weight loss video.

  3. I have been using TFT and EFT for years now, absolutely amazing techniques that have helped me move onwards and upwards on life's journey………………… thank you Josie you really do produce some amazingly helpful and empowering videos . 🙂

  4. the tapping may work but the confession is terrible,,,,, Speak in FAITH and call yourself beautiful. I would tap and say, I eat healthy , I love being active , I am slim. The Bible tells us to call things the way we want them. We are made in the Image of God ,he says to us be like me and create with words. There was no light until God spoke into the darkness and said let there be light, and there was light,,,,,,Be like God , create with your words.

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