1. I just feel so embarrassed to run in public since I live by people from school 😔 I get teased for being overweight and I’m trying my hardest to overcome it, but I feel so ashamed sometimes.

  2. If any of you are overweight you really should start with something like swimming where risk of injury is much lower, then add running when you’re lower weight. Running is really high risk compared to swimming for overweight people due to the increased weight on your joints/ankles

  3. Since I was a kid, I've always wanted to start running. Though I still have time to do cross in High School, I can't seem to get over the fact that I'll have others watching me struggle. Do you have any tips that might help with that?

  4. I just found your channel. I use to run, but much but 2-3 miles at least 5 days a week.

    It’s been a few years and I want to get back to it.

    I downloaded couch to 5k and just finished the first week.

    I will search your channel after this video but I was wonder your opinion on this app program

  5. I'm so nervous to start running again. I used to be a runner, Long distance and Sprint.
    2 years ago I developed Patellofemurol Pain Syndrome in my knees due to excessive use. I'm wondering if these strength training will help before running

  6. I used to love running and that’s how I lost weight the first time I was on a weight loss journey 7 years ago. Hit a plateau 2 years ago and stopped running, stopped exercising overall and gained a ton of weight. I’m at the heaviest I’ve ever been. I just started walking a couple weeks ago, hoping to start jogging soon and eventually fully running again, as I miss it. Thanks for this video! Great advice.

  7. Ok, but those exercises are before running or after running?
    Damn, I’m a girl and I want to look just a fit and muscular as you. IM JEALOUS!
    I’m overweight, but I’ve never wanted to be a skinny mall girl, I always wanted to be a fit strong girl. ☹️ just like her

    My problem tho, is that I can eat anything and everything, I’m not allergic to nothing, I can eat absolutely anything.. you name it! I also LOVE food. And also; I love exercise as well.

  8. I started running around a year ago doing regular 5k treadmill runs but on each session I`d make the mistake of trying to better my previous PB and unfortunately I`d pick up injuries in the process. I`ve learnt from these early mistakes that good warm ups and proper running shoes are vitally important along with a slowly slowly approach to improving my runs. It can also be so confusing seeing so many videos on warm up exercises that for a beginner you just don't know where to begin so taking the time out to do research and find what fits for you is also very important.

  9. My heartrate always goes up to 170-190 when I run 😅😅 I mostly walk and then run a little sprints when I see no one is around 😂 I try to not care about people, but running is still something I need to work on

  10. There's a ton of excuses I could come up with at 180cms and 120 kilos….. Everything seemed to say. .." Don't ever run ! "
    Thank you so very much Holly for this video and getting me out there and starting. No more excuses . …. I'm running !!

  11. Actually I can't run that much now. As I don't have any stip hilly area, I run for like 10-15 seconds, then walk for 30 seconds. When I get warmed up in outside, I start running on the tredmeal on Gym, which is right beside me. There I noticed that I have only can run 0.10 mile before I catch my breath. I have just started it today and I started doing the streching and other workouts as instructed on video on the same day. Is it the right way to go?

  12. when i start running , my heartbeat run faster , then if my heartbeat run like crazy , i continue walking for a while , but the question is how long should i start running again?

  13. I'm 5'5", 74 kgs now, I started running about 3 months ago and have been able to run for at least 20 days in a month…. for an average distance of 3-5 kilometers and for around 30 minutes on average.I haven't checked my weight after that….but I feel more energetic during my job. I haven't been incorporating stretching and any sort of high intensity training. I'll take your lessons into my routine as well. Thank you!!!

  14. I am a regular runner and not overweight. I found this a good video to share with friends who want to start walking / running.

    Just add some strength teaching exercises are given, i works have liked since mobility exercises also to be shared

  15. I am working for DHL. I run up stairs and carry a lot of weight.. still I haven‘t lost weight at all.. I don‘t even eat unhealthy. I‘m doing WW and I stick to it. My Mom lost 20kg I lost nothing..I don‘t fucking know what I am doing wrong..

  16. I just started jogging beginning of August 2019. I am in the obese category as I'm 1.59m weighing 80.6 kg then. I started jogging non-stop with 1 km for the 1st week, 2km the 2nd week. And currently am able to jog 3km in the 3rd week. In the past, I couldn't even run 0.5km w/o stopping for air. Coming from a hot & humid country, I opt for a night jog as the air is cooler. 1 thing I came to accept. There are going to be good & bad days. There are days that I have to cut down the 3km daily goal as my body could not take it for the day. Listen to your body & don't overdo. Most importantly, enjoy the process. It will keep you motivated in the long run. I'm still in my 3rd week. So far I've lost 3kg at 77.5 kg. Hopefully I can continue this as a lifestyle for a better health. Wish me luck.

  17. I was hurt on the job in January. I'm a diesel mechanic and a mack truck fell on me. I'm 38 and just got to the point of being to do somethings. I've gained so much weight from not being able to walk or move for that matter. Now I'm back on my feet and still awaiting back surgery,but I started walking a little bit everyday up and down my driveway. It's hard but I'm tired of being miserable!!!

  18. Last time, i got a 5k run plan in 30 mins over 20 weeks from a newspaper. I wrote it down and followed to some extent. It started of with 1 minute walk and 30 seconds run for 30 mins for 1 st week, then we gradually increase the running time and decrease walking duration week by week. At the end of week 20, we can run 5k in 30 mins. I am looking for such a plan. Missed place the plan.

  19. Is body weight training enough to begin in combination with running? I would like a solid answer. I understand for some, this is a no-brainier question but I am new to exercising so please help me.

  20. Great video. I've been walking 2.5 miles daily for about a month now and for the past week started changing intensity by jogging/running intermittently. However, I may have injured myself, which is unfortunate because I have fallen in love with my new routine. Due to various reasons, I'm unable to ascertain the damage until sometime next week. I'm looking for some input on the matter in the meantime. The problematic area seems to be an inch or two below the knee rather than the knee itself. I realize with so little information, it would be difficult to comment but those that do will certainly draw my attention. I imagine I should rest for a bit but the idea of not getting in mileage is disappointing to say the least. On a side note I'm down to 274 from 310, which is inspiring my continuation. Only 90 more left to lose. Again, thanks for the information.

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