1. The ginger really calms the acv taste. I bet a little carrot juice in it would soften the flavor as well. This is actually the best tasting version of this drink I've had so far.

    Another good weight loss tonic is to put acv in oolong tea with steeped frozen berries and fresh ginger!

  2. I already bought My vinegar I just wasn't sure on how to start. Thanks for this video at least I know where to begin hope I can take the taste.

  3. Reporting in day two: Shocker! Stepped on the scale twice. I am down another 1.5 pounds. Okay, plus the 4 from first day is 5.5. I do the recipe given thirty minute before eating. Also, I get hungry at 3pm so I did it again. And I did it in the evening when I am hungry about 7-8pm. I hate it. It taste terrible. But I just do it quick. This is huge to me because I have plateaued and I am close to goal. 😉

  4. Surprising! I tried it last night. I am 4 pounds down….just trying it one night. Is it just water? I really don't think so. It also makes me feel less hungry. At the end of the day I have trouble binge eating but last night I really wasn't hungry. It tastes terrible. I do it fast. I do it 30 minute before eating. I have tumeric capsules so i take those separately because of the yellow. I use a straw and rinse my mouth to prevent erosion on teeth. I thinking i my make a salad dressing. But I am going to experiment with this avc drink. I will report back.

  5. Daniela I am on day 3, it's nasty! I add some cinnamon to help. I haven't lost any weight. I haven't gained either. I am going to the bathroom as you said. Do I really need fresh tumeric and ginger? I only have powder. How long after you started did you see a weight loss.

  6. Hey Daniela you are rocking this diet thing. I’m going to try the Braggs concoction and see if it helps me I’ve tried it alone before. Love you’re videos. You’re kicking your weights butt anyway you can and I love that about you. Thanks for being real. Your workouts seem to be killer too. Keep up the good work you’re very encouraging. 😊

  7. Started doing this yesterday..
    I put in mine , lemon 🍋, cinnamon, cayenne and a cup of water . Then after that I drink a bottle of water to wash it down . It definitely helps

  8. Daniela..just a little help..no judging…my Mom did that with the vinegar and wound up in the hospital…it thinned her blood too low…just trying to help..that was her…hopefully you do it in moderation…thanks

  9. Loved it lol. Truth! I have done it a couple times but didnt stick to it. Going to try tomorrow. Im not close to goal but 60 pounds down and 18 pounds to onederland. Still trucking along on weight watchers. Love u i always tell u that. But the hat for real love it where did u get it from? Ur looking great!

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