1. You’re so funny, “dude, get some butter” lol! My BPC is made with butter, MCT oil, collagen, hazelnut stevia, and a pinch of sea salt. I throw it in my bullet or use my frother and drink it every morning. I have lost 50 lbs in 8 mos. at the age of 67. Sometimes I have a decaf BPC in the evening because fat bombs are too easy to overeat for me 😜 Butter is the ultimate fat bomb isn’t it? Another great video. Love your book btw. XoxoMarjorie

  2. After 40 years of American dieting- I’ve tried them all over; over the past 40 years I’ve been on a diet- hunger has zero to do with my urges to eat. I always have the overwhelming urge to eat, hungry or not! I’ve been in ketosis over 40 days now. I hope this overwhelming urge to eat, even when I’m not nearly hungry, goes away like this woe is supposed to do! 🤞🤞🤞it’s not happening yet!!!

  3. Just found your channel. New sub here.
    Dr Berry, this is my first time trying Keto. I’m following Thomas DeLauer’s 1 month Keto meal plan.
    He has suggested taking the following vitamins

    Theanine – both in the morning after bfast

    Fish Oil
    Vitamin D3

    Not sure about the rest or their doses, what is your opinion on taking so many ??
    Are they all very necessary ?

  4. I don't go to the movie theater that often, but when I do I eat a ton of popcorn. 2 to 3 times a year isn't going to kill me. When I say a ton I mean sharing a large popcorn with my wife and daughter.

  5. Heavy cream makes my BPC yummy but it causes me to stall 😔 I've been using coconut cream lately and even though it isn't as tasty, it is working better for me . I'm actually considering stopping drinking coffee altogether

  6. Hi, Dr. Ken. Thanks for all your guidance for eating LCHF. I'm a big fan of BPC. I make a strong pot of folgers each morning. And on my way to work, I fill one of my contigo travel mugs (the kind that clicks shut) with coffee and a heaping tablespoon each of butter and coconut oil. The contigo mug allows me to give the mix a good shake or two before each sip or swallow to keep it all fairly well blended. After that mug of BPC, I'm able to sail through the rest of my day until dinner, managing my hunger really well through the lunch time. If the flame of hunger starts to flare up, I douse it with lots and lots of water. This strategy really works for me. Again, thanks for all your information and insights. Scott VA

  7. Love your videos, Dr. Berry. I have lost 50 pounds since June 2019, and my BP has been at the optimal level for the first time in my life! In one of your other videos, you said to avoid artificial sweeteners. You referred to a study where a portion of patients in the study simply swirled the sweetener in their mouth and their insulin levels rose. How can you have a fat bomb that is sweet and not have the same thing occur?

  8. I wish there was a way I could talk to you, but I'm all the way I Arkansas and it's just not pheasablel for you to be my doctor. I'm so tired of seeing conflicting info about is the keto diet OK , or people saying no its not and it does this. I want a straight answer. Can anybody give me a straight answer ? Some say cholesterol is good , others say it's bad. So say fat is good, some say it's bad. Which one is it ? Also why we're talking about bulletproof coffe, I put coconut oil, ghee, and some heavy cream In ad then I add another ingredient ……. half an avacodo. I then throw it in a blender. Comes out smooth.

  9. Dr. Berry i recently have quit smoking and went to vaping. Now ive been on keto for two years now and have had great sucecess. IsBut im a little worried that vaping this sweet juice is gonna throw me out of ketosis and spike my insulin. Do i have anything to worry about

  10. Dr Kelly my bp is up. Will it eventually go to normal? I’m starting my 3 week on keto and my bp is giving me a hard time especially my pulse. It’s at 112 in resting. I dunno 🤷‍♀️

  11. I’m brand new to keto and have been really struggling. It’s been 7 days now and I woke up this morning feeling lethargic and just awfully hungry. I never heard of bulletproof coffee or fat bombs before, Definitely going to try these out. Thanks Doc.

  12. Any thoughts on this I just read??

    How Does Caffeine Affect Your Blood Sugar? & Why Does Caffeine Have This Effect?

    Scientists are still learning how caffeine affects your insulin and blood sugar levels. But they think it may work this way:

    Caffeine raises levels of certain stress hormones, like epinephrine (also called adrenaline). Epinephrine can prevent your cells from processing as much sugar. It may also keep your body from making as much insulin.
    It blocks a protein called adenosine. This molecule plays a big role in how much insulin your body makes. It also controls how your cells respond to it. Caffeine keeps adenosine from doing its job. It can’t clear sugar from your blood as quickly.

  13. Hi, thanks for all your videos and info. Do you have any suggestions for a 3 mos stall? I'm 68 yo female and I still have 25 pounds to loose. I'm down to no carbs doing carnivore. I am thinking this is lowering my already postmenopausal hormone status? I have stopped if For this reason. Just doing a 12 hr night fast.

  14. I'm not doing keto, but am doing low carb and trying intermittent fasting. I started putting some butter in my coffee yesterday and cannot believe that it worked! No hunger all day! I haven't snacked or ate lunch at work, and was able to wait until I got home before eating. I'm not hungry at all! Thank you for this video!

  15. ….unless someone is an emotional eater. If this is the case, it is not enough to just shut off hunger. The emotional eater is going to grieve the loss of frequent eating. Would be great to see a video on that!

  16. I found the fat too high.. I did try fatbombs but don't like coffee.. I ended up going carnivore, it was easier because I wasn't responding well to nuts, seeds & green veg.. Saw you on Tom Bilyeu.. Thanks for these videos, they are changing lives xx

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