1. Hey Skip! I am watching from Las Vegas, Nevada! I love watching workouts for older men! I'm making great progress with my own workouts here at home watching your videos!

  2. I'm 54 and you were the first fitness coach who gave me about 9/10 confidence that I had cracked the code. And results are beginning to show. Thank you so much, Skip!!! 😀

  3. Because I found back squats , especially flat footed, compromised my lower back. I have switched to goblet squats with a plate under my heels. It enables me to go much deeper in the squats with a straight back. Obviously the weight is not heavy, a twenty kilo dumbbell . But I get a good workout out of it. Just four sets preceded by 50 free squats for a warm up
    I do this at home in the backyard. Then go the gym and do leg press and extensions a few days later. I am 68

  4. Hi skip I have Multiple Sclerosis. I was wondering how to get my abs stronger I know diet is key; but it's difficult do crunches and such and leg lifts I just want to try to get a firmer mid section working to a six pack abs.

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