1. @DiabeticDanica

    How would you like to study, work, travel,  sleep, spend time with friends and family, pursue your passion, and just enjoy life without worrying about fluctuations in your blood sugar levels? How would you really like it? Can you imagine this scenario becoming your daily life and that permanently?

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    Many hopeful greetings from Gütersloh

     Stella Mingo

    Stella MingoKönigstr. 3
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  2. I’ve had T1 for almost 7 years now and I still have a slight fear of needles, and I just got my Libre today. It’s good to see someone going through the same thing!

  3. i had such a fear of needles, i was a preemie, luckily my mom was holding me, my abusive bio-dad was yelling at her to put me in the nursery and when she looked down at me i was blue and not breathing, i was revived by mouth to mouth, must be why i have a think for firemen, because so many people did mouth to mouth on me, they gave me pcn, and i was allergic, by the age of 6 i had died 5 times, like i said my bio-dad was abusive my mom would leave and have to go back because she couldn't support 4 kids , the final straw was when i was 4, he was trying to break in and had 2 screwdrivers, he was calling to me to open the door, he loved me and wanted to hold me my brothers and sister weren't close to me, so i had just hit the lock the patio door flew open and all i saw was the screwdriver coming down my brother dove over the bed and just got my by my long hair and jerked me back so instead of hitting me right in the heart he hit above and it traveled down 4" so when i say i'm needle phobic, i have good reason, i've been a nurse for 40 yrs, had no problem giving shots and ivs, but, i went so far as to have surgery on the ball of my foot to remove scar tissue and glass without any numbing, while he made a special bridge for my shoe so when i walked the incision wouldn't touch, so i meditated and he kept asking me if i wanted numbed, i said no, the incision and the size of the scar tissue was the size of a meyers lime, i went to work and got stuck doing a double, he did all the foot care at the hospital and he told anybody and everybody how bad ass i was, no numbing no pain meds, i kind of liked that it made the staff that worked under me think twice before slacking off or making me mad, so i never admitted to my fear of needles, then diabetes and heart issues, now it's like 8 bloodsticks from my wrist my fingers don't bleed because, i need a heart transplant but i'm not eligible and i wouldn't have one anyways, i just hope the heart i would have gotten, went to a young person, now when they start ivs or labs and have to dig around i tell them to keep going i can't feel it at all. but i'm really interested in the cgr, i have a service cat (sugar) and she alerts if my bg is 60 or below, she'll alert on me 3 times if i don't respond she gets my daughter or dad., she's saved my life 22 times since 07. thank you for this video

  4. Ah, thank you! I just "installed" my first sensor. I was nervous but I remembered your same hesitation in this video and your response after. It made me feel so much more confident in doing it. Not to mention seeing you go through the steps before I got mine gave me an added boost when I was reading the manual. Thanks for Guinea pigging on camera for us. 🙂

  5. How did you get over your needle phobia? I take multiple shots a day and my husband has to give them to me. My brain will not allow my me to do it myself 😬 I’m on the needle struggle bus!!

  6. Thankyou so much for this friendly video. I just removed my first sensor after watching another video and inserted the new one following you! Here today in UK the sensor will give readings in 1 hour. Here goes!

  7. Not really a fair review if you're comparing it to a Dexcom because the Libre is not a CGM like a Dexcom is they are completely different. Good video regardless thanks for posting I've been a silent longtime fan for many years the only reason I don't and haven't said anything before or much is because I also have high functioning autism and leaving comments sometimes is really stressful for me not knowing if people will think I'm being rude. Very often people who don't have autism (a neurotypical person) might think that someone who has autism/ Asperger's syndrome like myself might be being rude when we absolutely didn't and had absolutely no intention to be rude and we don't even know that we are being rude if we are. Sometimes we come across this way because we don't really understand social situations in the same way a neurotypical person does and can be very blunt and to the point sometimes coming across as rude but I would absolutely never intentionally be rude. Anyways sorry for the long explanation but this is one reason why I don't comment often or ever because I always feel that I need to explain myself so people don't think I'm being rude or anything if I come access that way so hopefully you/ everyone will understand.

    Thank you very much for another great video. 🙂👍✌

  8. In india libre pro 14 days is Available. only 1 hour startup time.cost is affordable.so many people are using Freestyle libre pro with Ambrosia's Nightrider Blucon. & getting real time Glucose reading on mobile phone with Link Blucon App.also caregiver or doctor also follow them with follow Blucon App.

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