1. He definitely knows his stuff. I'm not as smart when it comes to handyman stuff, but this kit helped me out big time. This is what he used. Maybe not the exact brand, but the cheaper version. Needed it cheap because I will NEVER do again! LOL. It comes with 40 Spacers, Pull Bar, Heavy Duty Mallet & Upgraded Tapping Bar. I think this a must buy, especially for me! Got mine on Amazon. Here's the link. https://amzn.to/2LMXBsU

  2. laminates are tricky they look great once installed but how do they where over time? The answer to that would be not so great if you have kids or pets this stuff will deteriorate over time and your out a whole floor i would recommend luxury vinyl plank this stuff has came such a long ways since it was first manufactured for anyone who is interested ill post a blog down below for more info.https://www.reallycheapfloors.com/blog/what-is-luxury-vinyl-plank-flooring/

  3. Laminate floor is borderline criminal . It’s ugly ,it feels unsubstantial when walked on , it can’t be refinished, it’s toxic and can’t be burned if need be and besides that , did i mention that i don’t like it .

  4. Good video, consider precutting two sets of starters. One set at 16" spacing and another at 12" this will give you a better stagger without lining up seems every two or three rows.Also you can eliminate the need for a puller by leaving room for pry bar it will pop in much easier without risk of marring your butt seams.

  5. Another tip for removing tack strip, is if u slide a hammer on the ground and hit the tack strip on its side toward the wall where the nails are at, they loosen up, and you dont need to cut the tongues on the first row, just a waste of time

  6. Nice work but that trim looks awful….I learned a lot from this video but I think I'll remove the baseboard all around the room when is my turn to do this…

  7. Myself I always remove the base trim. Toe nail screws down as temporary stops, so you will have a more stable stop as you start the first rows since you will hammering towards it! After install of flooring Screws are removed and base re installed on top of flooring. I do this because if you don't your base trim becomes shorter and looks cheap! If you think of it, drywall does not touch the floor, so there's a 1/2" gap. Then you have the base trim, that's another 3/4" gap that's a 1 1/4" gap total!! When only 1/4" is required for laminate!! Also the very first thing you must do and its the most important and was left out of this video is is calculate the rip measurement for your beginning run and ending run. The last thing you want is a 1" strip ending your last floor run!!

  8. i do flooring for a living. i work with plank everyday. and i must say you didn't do terrible. made simple mistakes everyone makes. but i just don't understand why people don't just take the base off of the wall, install the flooring and then re hang the base. it looks a lot better then quarter round

  9. id make 1 row and do the start of my next 2-3 rows and go from there that way im not working harder and i dont need the pull bar. but to each his own

  10. I just pulled up the nastiest padding. I love my house but it is from 1968 so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

    Also, REALLY appreciated your tack strip tips

  11. Useless video. Nothing but a rant of somebody saying a litany during the rosary. I guess, the others were dosing listening to the monotonous rant without breathing. Get a life asshole. If you are demonstrating a big job like this, first talk about a plan, what to think of, what material to get like what type of wood, and go about it step by step slowly.

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