1. Speaking as part of the 15%…. ;), this is great practical information. I'm Keto/low carb and IF for 1 year now, when I started I skipped breakfast and lunch, only ate at night. Psychologically, dinner was supposed to be the main meal. But I didnt sleep well and had tendencies to binge or eat things i shouldn't. I slowly moved my eating window to mid-day, 12 to 3 give or take (I'm not super strict). If you are going to have something outside your eating window, make it calorie free and or mainly only fat. This is what works best for me!

  2. Christina, I love your informative videos, and I have plateaued for the last 6 months, have been intermittent fasting 16 hours from 7 pm to about 1 pm, have bacon and eggs, then nothing till 6 pm , protein green veg, then soda water and a cup of tea with cream. In the morning a tea with cream and only water till late lunch. My question is, I’m going to change my fast to omit dinner at night, as you have done so well, I’m hoping to do so too! Do I need a glucose monitor , I don’t really understand all that numbers thing, is it important to get one, as they are expensive. A video explanation could be helpful, but maybe I’m the only one that doesn’t get it ! Love your help. Maureen

  3. I’ve been doing IF the first part of the day. I’m going to start no eating in the afternoon to see if this can make my weight loss plateau change. I love your suggestions and I love listening to you and your sister on the podcast. I get so tickled when y’all get tickled at something each other says there. I don’t have a sister but can imagine how that would be if I did. I do have 2 adult daughters (one is 24 the other is 28) and we laugh at/ with each other now all of the time. Thanks for your great information 😊

  4. I haven’t been able to IF consistently because I struggle waiting till late morning for my fat coffee breakfast (I cannot do black coffee). Yesterday I had my fat coffee at 11am and zero hunger till 9am this morning. Hope I can keep it up because I haven’t really lost significant weight after 10 weeks on keto because i haven’t been able to IF more than 14 hours.

  5. I’ve also tried evening IF and the weight is falling off. I’ve been doing keto-ish for most of the last 4 and a half years and the weight has never come off so fast. Thank you so much Christina! You are the best!

  6. Video suggestion: What I eat in a day for evening intermittent fasting. This video was great. We're always looking for things to try to get off that plateau. I didn't think I could do IF but it's been working for me to skip breakfast – but I had to ask myself, what is Christina eating for breakfast and lunch? Love your videos!

  7. Hi Christina, you are looking so healthy and pretty too! Well done on your Keto journey. I also have been on the same journey for two years and love this lifestyle. I use your 90 sec bread recipe all the time but we are on holiday in Europe ( I am from Australia) and where we are staying they do not have a microwave. Can you advise how to cook this bread in an oven? Thank you and Keto on!,

  8. Love your hair longer & your face is looking very thin these days. I hate the thought of skipping any meal as having weight loss surgery 5 yrs ago I can only eat small amounts during the day. Been Keto 2 yrs & will eat this way for life. Lol sleeping like a baby……..

  9. I've been doing IF where I skip dinner (I stop earting around 4 pm roughly) for almost 7 years now. I don't have a major weight issue but blood sugar problems. And skipping dinner has helped me a lot

  10. I’ve been doing IF for a year. I was eating my OMAD anywhere from 11am-6pm. The last month or so, I’ve stalled. I may try to make my eating window earlier as you suggest to see if I can break this stall. My husband snacks at night sometimes which makes it a little harder for me. By the way, you look fantastic!

  11. Hi kristina you look amazing i have only one meal a day wich is at 6pm becouse during the day i don't feel Hungary. But dont loose any weight why help thanking you

  12. Sorry…hit that send by mistake…I too have a sister Brenda! I am following you now only about 2 weeks and and trying the evening fasts…weekends I never seem to have lunch ….so there is my missed meal at those times. I’ve been on the Keto “ lifestyle way Of living” since Jan / 19… have lost 43lbs so far…4 lbs from my first goal ( like doing mine in stages so I don’t get overwhelmed) I have 40 more I want to lose to reach my ultimate goal. Thank you for the “ eating lots of fat before your supposed to” video…since I have been doing intermittent fasting….only 2 weeks…I’ve lost 9 solid pounds…meaning…those are not coming back…was showing 12 on the scales but up and down over a few days…I’m from Newfoundland and hearing your accent brings me home. Good on ya honey….and so happy I found you!
    Maureen in Ottawa, Canada.

  13. Even before I went Keto/Carnivore, many years ago I found out that I could lose weight by simply fasting from late afternoon to late morning. It's genius! 🙂

  14. Hi Cristina, love your videos. Wondering, since you drink black tea, does caffeinated tea spike your glucose? I heard that it does and only herbal tea is acceptable

  15. Could you do a video on emotional/stress eating and how to not do this? I may feel not hungry, at least not physically hungry, but if I've had a really stressful day, I find it really hard to not eat my emotions away. Do you have any tips for avoiding stress eating?

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