1. Very useful info! I know this breaks the golden five minute rule of YouTube videos, but for lifestyle health choices hopefully viewers are more interested in detail, and not quick entertainment.

    Some of your activities are not similar to mine, but the stresses you place on your monitors are things many of us will encounter.

    Now for that Holy Grail: a CGM that has profile of Libre, but performs like G6!

    Thanks again for info, I'm pleased the accuracy seems better than the G5 (I quit that machine bc I had no confidence in it's readings, way out of supposed 20% accuracy they were quoting in the States)

  2. Hi, very helpful video this.I am a professional first class cricketer from India.i am also a type 1 diabetic for the last last 2yrs.I am also a vivid follower of diabetic muscle and fitness on all social media platform..I am assuming ur cricketer too as shown in this video just want to clear out a few things about CGM Dexcom 6 for me as a cricketer.As u know it can get really sticky and sweaty playing cricket and here we play multiday (test) matches under really hot circumstances (35-40 degrees).Will the Dexcom 6 be able to withstand in such harsh temperature.i also need to tell u I am a fast bowler so u know there is going to be lot of running and sweating..would love to know ur insights on this as I wud wanna hv a CGM which I can use during my playing time and be mind free about high or low sugar levels.pls help.thank u.

  3. thanks for this video man.
    I have only watched it once, so far.. but i reckon that.. the Dexcom 6 appears to be the more accurate sensor, correct ?

    I am not diabetic. I just want to have the glucose data..
    Do you reckon the Libre will do the job, as it's got its own app, and i won't need to buy the reader ?
    Thanks again 😉

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