1. What do you tell people who have cancer all over the body even in the brain all cancer is bad don’t judge so they can make a plastic part to save your life you want to take it I know I would put your self in pain rot inside God forgive me and blessed me

  2. Wow! I've never seen so many badly ad hominem comments about someone who is just trying to show the world how anyone can shed unwanted weight in a natural way without expensive Weight Loss Products, starvation, or even hunger, and just by changing the timing and kind of foods consumed in a day. I'd venture a guess: the commenters are vegans trying to silence someone who has succeeded in her own battle against excess weight by consuming mainly animal products which is, in reality, the most natural diet for humans. Go on Jenna. Thank you very much for your contribution. Examples like yours are worth spreading so people understand that it is OK to eat mainly animal products.

  3. good job.
    your body might change from sexy to fat or vice versa but the vagina won't…
    the theme park might be closed but that doesnt change the fact that a lot of people had a turn on riding the carousel… 😅
    tramautized children waiting to happen…
    stop having kids!

  4. Damn she aged terribly…… She used to be easily one of the prettiest women on this planet now she looks awful. Also promoting a keto diet as a long term diet plan is exactly why she gets fat then thin and over and over. Keto diets are not made to be longterm and will end up having you gain all the weight back once you stop the keto diet. The BEST diets are ones you can live with for LIFE. And anyone thats tried to maintain a keto diet for more than 6months will tell you that it ruins your mental health.

  5. Every woman is beautiful no matter what her size is.. If you want to lose, do it for health reasons, but she looked so beautiful.. I just think Plastic surgery and maybe drugs did her very dirty..

  6. She once was a beautiful woman now she looks like trailer trash! Why did she get those ugly ugly ugly tattoos, she looks like a freak who should be in a side show at a cheap carnival! Why do girls destroy their looks with trashy ugly pathetic tattoos? Do they realize what they will look like when they got a little older total freaks! Putting a tattoo on a beautiful woman is like putting a bumper sticker on a Ferrari!

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