1. Ok I barely understood half of what this guy said. But I’m one of those who eats far less than I used to, but keep gaining fat, especially around the midsection. I have a chronic neurological disorder and spent the last 18 yrs having several surgeries and doing the whole surgery, rest, PT. Then another surgery, rest, PT… rinse repeat. Right at the time my body was going through its biggest change metabolically from 40 to 60 yrs old. Prior to that I was very athletic and fitness oriented. Now I can barely stand and walk. Leg and arm muscles have all but disappeared. But gut and chest are headed toward what that scene in aliens must have felt like. So… how would this help switch those hormones back into the right directions?

  2. This is statistically and factually wrong. The number one reason for obesity in over 90% of cases is not genetic, it's not metabolism. It's simply a more caloric intake than output. That's what every single scientific report says. Overwhelmingly the reason people are fat is because they eat more calories than they expend. End of discussion.
    The only ONLY reason people claim otherwise is because people don't like to be blamed for their bad personal choices. Especially ones as outwardly obvious as what leads to being obese.

  3. Yeah it all sound easy as cutting carbohydrates and sugars from your diet until you go shopping and realise there's carbs and sugars in just about every food product on the shelves,and it's even more difficult when you don't like eating vegetables and salads.Since my lower back disc degenerations and unable to work I've gained 20kgs,from medications and not having the mobility I once had. I used to be able to eat anything and maintained a 85 kg weight,now I'm 105 kg.Gota start exercising and try to loose this fat.

  4. does seem like a smart dude. This hormones thing is absolutely true and not only that if a man is high on estrogen or cortisol he will get that feminine hard to lose weight to like in the gut, love handles and man boobs. Keep the testosterone high, eat well and exercise

  5. The problem is a the syrup on those pancakes IS 1000 CALS IN THE SYRUP ALONE! For every Cal you eat you have to burn it. No one will burn it for you. It isn't Weight loss it is body re-composition. You want a + nitrogen balance to burn fat. Guess what makes nitrogen PROTIEN.

  6. Joe Ro I am-53 235 lbs at 5 10 I was here before and gpt down 143 so I'm obese and pre-diabetic man I wish I could lose a pound! Once I get back to the gym I'm going to be able to drop this weight you know what I'm saying they friends?

  7. This is my relative problem….I'm only too big for my own comfort. I've always been tall and lean except over the last few years. For over 20 years, I've been about 6'2" and 170. In the last few years, I've had to deal with too much stress and pain. My beloved mother died after an intense 10 month fight with cancer. Almost unbelievably, my wife died four weeks later in an accident. My family is small and my support system is spread out around the Country so I didn't have friend or family to help. My rock, also my father, fell apart after my mother's death so the support I'd relied on for my whole life was no available. In my enormous grief, I became very depressed and didn't care about anything. I think I probably caught myself before I died from my grief. I didn't shower, brush my teeth, clean my house etc. My eating habits were awful. I used to have a metabolism where I could eats cakes all day and lose weight. This grief caused me to go to around 190 which, for me, is way too much. It sounds like less but, for some reason, 20 pounds show on me in a really bad way. Before these tragedies, I worked out and ran with a lot of intensity and a trainer 4X per week. I guess a lot of my muscle turned to fat. I'm not sure of that process. I've mostly cleaned up my diet now and eat very well but I can't move pounds off at all. I run and I lift weights too but I can't budge a pound. I'll probably go see a nutritionist because I want to get the weight off. For someone 6'2," most would assume 20 pounds on a thin frame would be fine. Personally, it makes me look chubby. Does anyone know of diets or food to stay away from that might help a weird "fat-thin" guy? Sorry for the long comment.

  8. I like how the comment section for this video instantly turned into testimonial message board for fat fucks like myself to tell the world
    How much weight they’ve lost recently.
    Yeah I got of my ass a few months ago and started exercising after a 10 year glut.
    But I’m not about to start throwing numbers around and look for pats on the back.
    Just do the work and stop looking for validation and recognition everybody.

  9. Peter Attia is totally wrong about this. The metabolic machinery of obese patients is no different than normal patients until they are obese. I am a physician who studies metabolic systems in humans. He is fooling Rogan into believing him. It's too bad Rogan is giving this guy a forum b/c too many ppl will buy into his BS.

  10. I spent 3+ months on over 5 different types of diets. This dude speaks pure truth and actually knows what he's talking about. Don't take this at face value, if you truly have a weight problem than this will help you if you're willing to put forth the effort.

  11. The people he's talking about are a minority, A small group of people that have a medical reason for being Fat,The majority of Fat people eat the wrong foods and don't exercise.

  12. I actually was almost 300 lbs last October 2018 when I discovered Goggins during the Jesse Itzler podcast. Went and watched a lot of Goggins stuff. Goggins got me pumped and remotivated and now I'm 220. Still got 20lbs more to go. I'm 48 in 2 mos.

  13. And this bullshit right here is the reason why the fitness industry is able to make so much money from peoples ignorance. There is no magic science to losing weight. It's very very simple and has been the same since the dawn off mankind. You simply need to burn more calories than you consume. Your body is a machine and needs a certain amount of fuel and any excess is stored (in fat) all the cortisol and hormones in the world aren't gonna create fat from calories that aren't there…….obese people are obese cos they are greedy.

  14. This is bullshit. I know a lot of overweight people and they eat many, many more calories than they burn. I know some really thing people too and they barely eat. It really is the number of calories you eat every day.

  15. I knew an obese girl who "always ate right" and turns out she was scarfing down quarter pounders in her car every chance she got. Do not believe that obese people "dont eat any more" than their peers. It's not the truth.

  16. “They are not disproportionately eating more than their peers” ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. He seems well spoken and overall rational (he has a PhD for fuck sakes), but he doesn’t know much about how nutrition works, particularly in relation to weight gain/loss.

  17. I was a food addict. End of story. Of course, there are some people who are so far beyond the norm they will need invasive surgery and a rigorous weight loss plan, but the majority of fat people just have an unhealthy relationship with food and probably no relationship with exercise.

  18. Follow nearly all of this. Down from 410 in Nov 2018 to 228 today. Intermittent fast weekdays. Gym for mixed cardio and weights 5 days a week. Cycling 30-60 miles a week.

    Hard work, but not hard to keep to. How I feel makes every bit worth it.

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