1. She still is overweight and she is wearing a lot of make up. After cheers went off the air she has been overweight and obese at times. If you eat the right foods and exercise you will be okay. I live in Asia , Tokyo, Singapore, Bangkok, they don’t have many fat women. When you see or hangout enough you will find out the fat women eat AMERICAN fast food. Fast food is America’s down fall to health. I love French fires, but I know I can’t eat that crap everyday, I wish I could.

  2. Perfect example of how having money doesn’t buy a perfect body. It’s all about discipline and self control. No excuses no explanations!!

  3. Short distance power walking, in high impact running shoes, not running, because if you wear out your joints from running (hips and Knees for example), you will have to replace or have surgery more often. Your body wasn't made for taking all those pain relievers or pain killers. Also, make sure they have arch support. If you can walk in the morning when sun is coming up. I also eat a banana for the potassium and gives me energy for a short walk around. When the weather was not good I did a lot of warm up exercises and simple yoga stretches to stay limber.   Do not push yourself to having pain. Go take a epsom salts bath or shower. If taking a shower dissolve epsom salts in hot water and when cool enough gently rub on your skin on back shoulders, arms and leg muscles. Wash with soapless cleaner, that does not dry out your hair or skin. Drink clean spring water or sparkling mineral water. Check your water content on line. Look up the name and also check independent testing for arsenic, sodium fluoride (poisons), not safe at any levels, so look for the lowest levels you can find.

  4. Love Kirstie..don't care what anyone says,.love her laugh, her humor,.her acting,.my fave is ''family sins'' I watch that over&over again..just cause of her..

  5. Alley has made a career in making money on her weight gain and losses. I'll never understand why anybody even gives a shit about her weight problems. She seems to be on every day time talk show talking about her weight. It's her big money maker because she can't act.

  6. I love Kirstie Alley but weighing every day is a TERRIBLE idea! As a successful dieter who went from 167 to 124, I can tell you weighing every day is not good. Body weight flucuates from water retention not only every day but every hour or so. There is NOTHING more depressing than to step on the scale after working to lose only to find that you've GAINED weight, not lost.The kind of toll that takes on you is so huge it can cause you to just say, forget it, I am meant to weigh what I do and march straight to the refrigerator. Take it from me, weigh yourself once a week, as soon as you wake up, naked, on the same scale, placed in the same area of the room right after emptying your bladder. Also, stop expecting a dramatic weight loss in a short amount of time, one pound a week is sane and healthy.

  7. I'm with YOU girlfriend! The Hollywood elite r SO afraid?! If u can't stand on principles and truth…u r doomed in the end! Let them all open their homes to illegals. Bias is based on HATE, not love of our country. I applaud u for standing up for what u believe in!!! Thank u!!!

  8. And we all thought Scientologists "can control their reactive mind because Scientology offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, etc" . 🤣🤣 Religion is for wackos! CLEARLY!

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